
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Simulation

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Simulation is a software package for modeling, simulating, and analyzing dynamical systems. It supports linear and non-linear systems, modeled in continuous time, sampled time, or a hybrid of the two. Systems can also be multi rate, i.e., have different parts that are sampled or updated at different rates. For modeling, Simulink provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for building models as block diagrams, using click and drag mouse operations. With this interface, you can draw the models just as you would with pencil and paper (or as most textbooks depict them). This is a far cry from previous simulation packages that require you to formulate differential equations in a language or program. Simulink includes a comprehensive block library of a sinks, sources, linear and non-linear components, and connectors. You can customize and …show more content…

Shows voltages across blocking capacitors

Voltage stress of switches S1a, S1b, S2a, and S2b are Vs1a, Vs1b, Vs2a, and Vs2b, are shown in Figure 6.3.e. & 6.3.f. Here time is represented along X-axis (in milliseconds) & the voltage is represented along Y-axis (in Volts). Figure: 6.3.e. Shows voltage stress of switches S1a, and S1b Figure: 6.3.f. Shows voltage stress of switches S2a, and S2b
Two-phase inductor current iL1 and iL2 is shown in Figure 6.3.g. and Figure 6.3.h, shows the ripple current through output capacitor (∆ico). Here time is represented along X-axis (in milliseconds) & the current is represented along Y-axis (in Amps). Figure: 6.3.g. Show inductor currents iL1 and iL2 Figure: 6.3.h. Shows ripple current through output capacitor (∆ico)
Voltage stress across diodes D1 & D2 (Vd1 & Vd2) are as shown in Figure 6.3.i. Here time is represented along X-axis (in milliseconds) & the voltage is represented along Y-axis (in Volts). Figure: 6.3.i. Shows voltage stress across diodes D1 & D2 (Vd1 & Vd2)
Simulation of the proposed converter & the results using MATLAB & Simulink can be seen in this

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