
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Riba

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Riba is an Arabic noun derived from the verb Raba, meaning to ‘increase’, ‘to grow’. It include interest which paid by bank. The first reason of riba is haram is because Allah declared it so, and riba conflicts with the spirit of brotherhood and sympathy, and based on greed, selfishness and hard heartedness. It is prohibited (haram) to make money from money in Islam as this is an unproductive activity and a form of harmful exploitation, which it does not lead to the production of real assets in the economy, however, it only creates debt, instead of helping economic growth, which is harmful to the overall operation of the financial system. Since in interest financing, only one counter-value is certain, the interest on the loan by the creditor, interest is an extreme case of gharar (uncertainty) …show more content…

For example, riba on credit transaction when items different and one party delays delivery. Peter barter 100 chickens to Caesar who will pay 100 ton of wheat after six months. Caesar returns 100 ton of wheat after six months. This is haram because price of gold might change, and unfair to another side. Thus, it is only allowed if both items are exchanged hand on hand. Gharar (uncertainty) comes from the Arabic verb gharar, which means to deceit. An Islamic finance term describing a hazardous sale, where details concerning the sale item are unknown or uncertain. A gharar transaction occurs where one party can only benefit by the other's loss, under conditions of uncertainty. Gharar is generally haram under Islam, which explicitly inhibit trades that are considered to have huge risk due to uncertainty. Gharar (uncertainty) can be related to risks occurs from lack of knowledge about the contract (object, price, time of delivery), uncertainty about the existence and delivery object, and/or the uncertainty of the outcome. The legal cause (illah) of the prohibition of gharar are the incapability to complete the sale, fairness in

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