
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Ipo

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An Initial Public Offering (IPO) is the first time that the security of a company is offered to the public. This process of equity offering is followed by the companies under the rules and regulations or the guidelines prescribed by Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI).IPO is the major source of capital for firm to raise their capital for their business Replacement, Expansion, Modernization, Diversification or the host of any other purpose. The pricing of IPOs is one of the most puzzling phenomena in finance. It is tough to predict its prices on listing day of trading in Capital market. It is totally depends upon the Market trend, Issue Price, Issue time, Issue age, Issue size, reputation of Book Running Lead Managers (BRLM) , No. of …show more content…

It could be a new, young or an old company which decides to be listed on exchange and hence goes to public. IPOs rank top among the largest sources of capital for the firms in India to launch their business ventures or for business expansion. Underpricing is the pricing of the IPO at less than the fair value of the issue. The degree of underpricing differs from country to country and issue to issue in the same country. The underpricing of the IPO is a loss of capital to the issuing company but gain for the investors as it yields them positive abnormal initial return. All the relevant literatures conclude that average IPOs are undervalued at the offer price as the first day market price is the indication of intrinsic value or fair value of the stock. IPOs generate positive abnormal listing day return (i.e. underpriced) followed by negative abnormal return for a reasonably long period. The over pricing of IPOs refers to the price when issue price is lower than the listing day price. In this case the listing companies lose their money due to investor’s low interest in getting more shares. Jindal and Chandler (2015) described in their study that the IPOs are often underpriced or overpriced due to the Investor’s behavioral contours while making investment decisions like whether to invest or not in IPO shares for making …show more content…

Various studies have been found on the concept of under pricing phenomena of IPOs.
Peng (2008) described the long run IPO performance, the Shanghai Stock exchange index was used as a benchmark. These studies analyzed the aftermarket performance by using the cumulative abnormal returns (CAR) and buy and hold abnormal return (BHAR). It showed that IPO over performance in six months ofter listing day and recorded under performance after six months of listing.
Mishra (2009) studied the performance of the Indian IPOs from April 2001 to March 2009 for the long run. Results show that there exist positive returns on the listing day. It is found that the down-market is a major cause for the poor listing-day performance of the negative group, whereas a positive group does not gain anything from an up-market preceding the IPO. With respect to the average holding-period return, for the negative group (starting day-1, not day-0) becomes significant only after four years, while it is positive throughout for the positive group. The study concluded that IPOs in the long yield a return equal to the market, when initial return is

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