
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Data Collection

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3.4 Data Collection In general, there are several methods for data collection and the different data collection methods provided its own advantages and disadvantages (Sekaran 2003, p. 223). For carrying out the data collection, the appropriate methods should be applied. In the research, the data collection could be done through the interview, for example, face-to-face and telephone interview. To collect the data by using interview technique, the questionnaire is commonly employed as the instrument for gathering data, the questionnaire could be able to distribute by mail or electronic mail. In addition, the data collection could be conducted by observation of individuals with or without audio or video recording. Before choosing the methods for data collection the expertise of the researcher, the degree of accuracy required, time and resources must be taken into consideration. Thus, …show more content…

According to Hair et al. (2003), in the research, the sampling process enables identifying, developing and understanding an interested object that need to be determined (p.333). Hence, in order for the researcher to carry out the sampling appropriately, advantages and disadvantages of the various sampling methods should be considered along with the theoretical component of the study (Hair et al. 2003, p. 368 f). Theoretically, the sampling procedure is divided into two major types which consist of probability and nonprobability sampling. In probability sampling, individuals have a known chance of being selected. While, in non-probability sampling, individuals do not have a known possibility to be selected (Sekaran 2003, p. 269 f). Also, the different sampling methods provide different advantages and disadvantages. Hence, the researcher should consider this point before choosing the sampling method for the

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