Question One:
Consider the following story and the questions based on it.
Mrs Smith claims that one-day last year, she saw Dan point a gun in the direction of his girlfriend and pull the trigger. The gun failed to fire because the mechanism was faulty, but Dan had not been aware of that until after he had pulled the trigger. Dan is now being tried for the attempted murder of his girlfriend, under the provisions of the Criminal Attempts Act 1981. He claims that he did not point the gun in his girlfriend’s directions alleged and that Mrs Smith is mistaken or is lying. Secondly, he claims that the act of pointing a gun in this way is not legally capable of falling within the relevant section of the 1981 Act.
(a) Who has decided whether Dan
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47)' (, 2016) accessed 6 March 2016
'Hearing And Trial' (, 2016) accessed 8 March 2016
'Looking After Children If You Divorce Or Separate - GOV.UK' (, 2016) accessed 11 March 2016
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'Pros And Cons Of Arbitration' (, 2016) accessed 13 March 2016
'Summary Trial | Lexisweb' (, 2016) accessed 7 March
The criminal justice system is a used to protect our society from those who try to harm it. Departments such as courts, and police officers study the behavior of criminals; they want our communities to be safe. When a crime is committed these departments work together to protect the rights of our society and our own. As stated in the textbook, a crime is the “Conduct in violation of the criminal laws of a state, the federal government, or a local jurisdiction for which there is no legally acceptable justification or excuse” (Schmalleger). Our system is a balanced system, there are times where have to think about our own rights as one person, but there are also times where we have to include other people. We must think of our society and
Michael Tarver is a 55 year old man who is serving a life sentence for murder in Atlanta, Georgia. Tarver is a diabetic with circulation problems, while in jail he got a cut on his leg. After receiving this cut he went months in confinement without proper care and because of his diabetes he was prone to infection and had to have his leg amputated. In 2012 Tarver filed a lawsuit written in longhand and filed without the consultation of an attorney. Dr. Chiquita Fye is the 65 year old woman who has been the medical director at this prison since 2006. This “lawsuit asserted that Fye was deliberately indifferent to his injury as he languished for months in the prison infirmary. Deliberate indifference to a prison inmate’s medical needs violates the Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.” (The Associated Press) Many inmates have filed lawsuits against this doctor all complaining that she neglected them of proper care. And there is so many other cases out there showing that prisons do not give proper care to inmates who need it.
Within the criminal justice system discuss the effectiveness of legal and non-legal measures in achieving justice.
The justice system is just but the procedures within are somewhat flawed. Human nature is to have greed and power, that's what crumbles the system. People use the system for what it isn't intended for and get away with it whether it's good or bad. Such as the Tarina Garnet case. Trina Garnett, was a mentally disabled teenage girl who was charged with murder, after setting a fire that killed two people and was sentenced to life in prison.
If there are children that are being accommodated by the Local Authority, then this all comes under the Children Act 1989.
After that, the trial started which was my brother and mother against the two of them. However, the state decided to take the case over and that turned my brother and mother into witnesses. For some reason they did not include myself on the witness list because I did not see the faces of the shooters, but I did see everything that was going on in the house while the shooting was going on. Anyway, the trial began and it felt like my mother and brother were on trial and not the two guys that were actually being prosecuted. Since the images that were taken from the kitchen in our house showed a half empty container of liquor, my mother and brother were called alcoholics and that they could have been drunk. They said that them being drunk would
In chapter 4, the textbook discusses the Criminal justice system and how the system works. The criminal justice system is a system setup to punish those accused of criminal offenses. Crimes such as murder, rape, robbery or crimes that are considered felonies. Many people are found guilty of their crimes and others are found innocent. People find this a good system to properly punish those who have committed offenses. I disagree that the system is a good system that helps people. The reason for me disagreeing is that the system is not perfect. There have been cases where the jury has come to a verdict that was wrong. Cases where the jury wrongly incarcerated somebody or cases where the jury acquitted somebody when they were guilty. A system
People often wonder why does the criminal justice (CJ) system fail to rehabilitate the inmates before they are released from prison, after all isn’t that part of the process? Isn’t it a mandatory that the inmates participate in this rehabilitation process? Inmates are often released before their sentenced in completed and this can leave the victim and family with a feeling of betrayal from the justice system, they should serve more time, after all they stole my property and my money. This feeling of needing a longer sentence for the crime that was committed is excessive, especially when the crime value may be minimal and wanting the inmate to serve seven to ten years incarcerated in excessive.
The criminal justice system has been proven to play a very important role in society. The criminal justice system is used to keep the citizens in check and to make sure that the laws that are made are being followed. It also is there to penalize anyone who disobeys the laws. In the criminal justice system, there are 3 main parts, law enforcement, adjudication, and corrections. Law enforcement is self-explainable. It consists of the law enforcers such as police officers and sheriffs. Adjudication is made up of people in the court house such as judges and lawyers. Corrections is made up of jailhouse matters such as prison officials. In these many components of the criminal justice system, there are all put in place to help correct people to do the right thing. There are punitive efforts and rehabilitative efforts. At time, the system may lean towards one category or more, which can be dangerous in terms of disciplinary action. The criminal justice system is more punitive than rehabilitative which makes the system ineffective.
Alternative methods of sentencing are primarily aimed at rehabilitation, so that the offender can avoid further contact with the criminal justice system. This is an effective feature of the justice system as it allows an opportunity for the offender to show remorse and make amends and bring satisfaction upon the victims’ and society as it allows an opportunity for the victim to describe the impact of the offender’s actions on their lives. This is clearly evident in the article Circle sentencing ‘helping to keep our mob out of jail’ by Karina Marlow, which involves an alternative court for sentencing adult indigenous offenders, based on customary law and traditional forms of indigenous dispute resolution. The article affirms the effectiveness
The most important thing that a law enforcement officer can do is the right thing. We as officers of the law are suppose to be role models. I have been in law enforcement of almost two years and I have never accepted free stuff from any restaurant or local business. I my self-have always taken my top shirt of or just changed my clothes completely. I do not think that I should get any special treatment from anyone just because I am an officer and what I was sworn to do. So I would like to talk about the pros and cons of officers accepting free meals and coffee, not accepting free meals, higher standards, officers getting sued or the department getting sued, and civil liability.
Who are the ones who enforce laws across the U.S? Law Enforcement are ones who enforce laws for that reason taxes fund law enforcement. They are the one who assure the safety of Americans. The FBI, Justice Department, Homeland security and U.S marshals are a few of them. They may not lack resources but with an increase in funding they would be able to have even more resources so they'll do a better job at ensuring the safety of Americans.
It is through the Criminal Justice System’s close collaborations with like-minded agencies such as the Police, Prison and Courts Services, that the public’s concerns and worries are resolved, in order to bring about justice in our communities (Cavadino and Dignan, 2007 as cited in Fox, 2014). With that in mind and out of the way, this essay will aim to explore some of the strengths and weaknesses, which are prominent within the Criminal Justice System. To do this successfully, the Police and the Courts Service will be the key agencies that will be explored in relation to the key Models that shape the whole Criminal Justice System. These Models were founded by Herbert L. Packer (1968) and Michael King (1981).
Laws serve several purposes in the criminal justice system. The main purpose of criminal law is to protect, serve, and limit human actions and to help guide human conduct. Also, laws provide penalties and punishment against those who are guilty of committing crimes against property or persons. In the modern world, there are three choices in dealing with criminals’ namely criminal punishment, private action and executive control. Although both private action and executive control are advantageous in terms of costs and speed, they present big dangers that discourage their use unless in exceptional situations. The second purpose of criminal law is to punish the offender. Punishing the offender is the most important purpose of criminal law
Cybercrime we have when a computer is the object of the crime like hacking, phishing, spamming or is used as a tool to commit an offense like the child pornography, hate crimes etc.