
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cloud Storage In DIFC College

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Literature Review IntroductionTo investigatehowinternational students use cloud computingin DIFC college. Theliteraturereviewed forthis proposal has been collected through several sources such asGoogle Books, online journals and Google Scholar. Some books from the Griffith Collegeand the public librarywere also utilized. The keywords were cloud storage advantages and disadvantages, student use cloud security.Advantages and disadvantage aspects of Cloud storage. Intheinternetera inwhichwe live, people areincreasingly using cloud computingto savetheir data onlineinstead of saving on a computerhard disk. Firstly, cost and efficiencyincloud storageis maybethe biggest advantage of usingitin daily lifeinterms of price orupgradingthe …show more content…

This means the customer softwareneeds to beintuitiveto use, and that operation of all factors of the solution (Rhoton and Haukioja,2011, p. 223). Since cloud computing security appeared, many peoplehavequestioned whethertheirinformationis in a secure place, particularlywhenit comes to sharingwithother users. Obviouslythereis the dependence onthe cloud application and online connection(Barnatt, 2010, p. 8). Transferringinformation between cloud storage users without data protection can present legal issues. To avoid this problem, all users must choose data protectionwhenthey apply (Oppenheim, 2011, p. 27). Service breakdowns for cloud storageare one of thenegative aspects to the continuity of cloud computing. Forexample, connectionproblems or cut-off cables and system interruptions (Qian, 2009, p. 629). DB-14-0054 Project Proposal4Security of cloud computing. Cloud computing and cloud computing securityhavehad a massiveimpact on computingsystems inthe last fewyears. Thereis no doubtthat

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