
Advantage Of Factory Farming

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When it comes to factory farming it may be cheaper, but sustainable farming practices have their advantages. When it comes to our society it can make communities proud of where their food comes from and be healthier for the local community. “Pasture-based agriculture has the potential to enhance social sustainability as well, providing an alternative to large confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs)—which have been the focus of many community disputes and have been associated with health problems and decreased property values for residential neighbors.”(Conner & Oppenheim, 2008) There are also some advantages when it comes to economics. “Grazing dairy operations generally require less investment, earn greater returns, and achieve higher net income per cow and per cwt (Conner et al., 2006). Reliance on grass-based feed may also help farmers better manage risk in grain supply and potential price volatility as increasing amounts of field crops are used in bio-fuel production.” (Conner & Oppenheim, 2008) It may take time, but small to medium sustainable farms would be possible and could have economic growth for the local communities.
Consumers are increasingly demanding a more sustainable product because they hear and see what is happening at factory farms. “Consumer segments are increasingly buying foods that claim enhanced human health, animal welfare, and ecological impacts.”(Conner & Oppenheim, 2008) Consumers are willing to pay more for products that improve their health and humanly treat animals. “Consumer segments are willing to pay a premium for pasture-raised (also called grass-fed) beef. In one study, 23% of consumers preferred grass- over grain-fed beef and were willing to pay on average $1.36 more per pound.”(Conner & Oppenheim, 2008) Consumers are started to become more educated by the media and wanting to be more health conscious. When they learn about the benefits of these products, they are willing to pay more. There are many ways we can educate the public about the benefits of pasture raised and humanly raised products. For millennials and college students who are looking for healthier meals I believe guest speakers and events on campus can help educate students. Also educating our elderly

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