
Adult Learning Reflection

Decent Essays

It is humbling to begin a course, thinking that having just finished an educational leadership program there won’t be many moments of new learning only to find that there is always new learning opportunity available. Isn’t that the most important takeaway from a course focused on adult learning. Oftentimes the parallel process between what frustrates us the most and what we experience is hard to perceive when we are living it. Valla (2000) posits one assumption of adult learning is that a learning a change to oneself as a result of new knowledge and skills, not simply the acquisition of that knowledge or those skills. In studying how adults learn: what motivates them, what needs are and what methodology is most engaging, I have been able to improve my professional practice. My beliefs, attitudes, and practices related to evidence-based learning and teaching not only have become more refined, but humbled. As I now realize that in honoring adult learners, just I as wish to be honored I am better able to open myself to their needs the way I so easily am able with students and in turn honor my own learning needs.
Elements of Evidenced Based Learning and Teaching It was through this ten week study of the efficacy of research based instructional strategies to meet the unique needs of adults that as a learner, I moved from frustration with the resistance of teachers to professional development to a deeper understanding of developmentally appropriate responses of adults,

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