
Adoption: Babe Ruth Marilyn Monroe And Steve Jobs

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What do Babe Ruth, Marilyn Monroe, John Lennon, and Steve Jobs have in common? That’s right, they were all adopted. Babe Ruth was placed in an orphanage at seven years old; Marilyn Monroe spent much of her childhood in foster care, while John Lennon’s mother was not able to care for him after his dad went missing on a naval ship. Steve Jobs was the product of an unapproved relationship, so he was put up for adoption at birth. All of these well-known people struggled through the process of adoption, as well as many others. The adoption process should be shorter because the number of kids in foster care is likely to decrease, is financially taking, and takes a toll on the child and the adoptive family. The basic steps of adoption are to choose …show more content…

Not many families remain anxious throughout the whole process because it is so long. Nerves and stress are a huge factor in the well-being of the adoptive family, especially the parents. Important questions start for the family from the very first thought of adoption, until the child is finalized in the new family. The type of adoption, the race, and the age of the child are some beginning questions will add stress. They have to think about how they are going to pay for everything, as well as how to answer questions correctly in the home study. Also, they have many long waiting periods and uncertain outcomes within the process. The process alone is a long one that causes stress, but adopting has a lifelong struggle of unknown possibilities (Child Welfare Information Gateway). Adopted children already struggle mentally with the questions that will never go away, along with trying to find their identity. Also, the adopted people may feel out of place when they find out or when they are adopted because they are not often blood related. The long process may also affect the child being adopted because they may lose hope that everything will work out and think they will be stuck in foster care for a long time, and potentially forever. Twenty percent of children in foster homes for six to eleven months, but fifty five percent of kids in foster care are there for over a year (Adoption Statistics). David Cameron …show more content…

The type of adoption that is being desired to do is the first step, followed by contacting agencies and attending multiple orientations. An expensive, in depth home study is completed by a social worker, and finally the adoptive family can start to look for possible children to adopt. The family must meet the child and eventually be finalized to be able to adopt them. Next, whether the adoption is going to be an open or closed one is the next step. The cost of adoption can cost up to fifty thousand dollars because of the unnecessary steps and roadblocks that are put in place to stop the child from being put into a loving home. The stress and important questions asked effect the well-being of the adoptive family, especially the parents, over the long period to complete the process. Negative emotions and losing hope are possibilities for the children that need to find new homes to live in forever. In Britain, the Prime Minister stated that making the adoption process fairer and faster is the government’s main focus. He wants children placed in an effective home in three months or less, so that more children have social workers to help them find a forever home. He also stated that there were unneeded barriers set up within the system of adoption. Some believe that the adoption process should remain longer, or increase in length, because it helps protect the children from going into another negative environment.

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