
Adolf Hitler's Machiavellian Strategy Essay

Decent Essays

Adolf Hitler's Machiavellian Strategy

Machiavelli’s The Prince outlines tactics for a leader to seize and maintain lands under his power. His tactics have been demonstrated repeatedly throughout history, and though his approach is hardly ethical or idealistic, one cannot deny the fact that it has proved to be effective. Hitler is an example that exemplifies the accuracy of what Machiavelli said would bring success in the acquisition of new provinces. One topic Machiavelli focuses on, especially in Part II, are different types of troops. Had he seen Hitler’s army, he would have classified the troops as "native," and would have applauded Hitler’s choice in troops over "mercenary" (men who fight for money,) "auxiliary" (foreign …show more content…

Furthermore it contained people from various religions, including Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, and atheists, such as communists. Hitler had built the support of an entire nativist Nazi army over the years with the Beer Hall Putsch, his book Mein Kampf, a book that narrates his struggle in Germany, and his tremendous oratory skills. Using this army he was able to bully his way into a dictatorial position and dissolve the Reichstag, eliminating the last bit of democratic government left in Germany. Once in power, he was able to successfully stay in power by using the guidelines given in The Prince. The work acknowledges that mixed principalities are of the more difficult to control. To hold such a land in your power, you must first "extinguish the line of princes" (15). In Hitler’s case, the "princes" meant anyone who had any sort of political power in Germany, and he was swift and efficient in killing them, and outlawing their political parties. Machiavelli also said it is better not to share power, and Hitler followed this by killing all those in his own Nazi party that had any sort of power, including his whole elite "blackshirt" army. The final, and most important issue of maintaining a mixed principality is the use of force and strict policies, which Hitler used without fail.
Acquiring and maintaining rule over new principalities

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