In chapter 11 we focused on adolescents and all the changes that happen during these years. We learned that boys and girls mature at different times during adolescents. Puberty begins in girls around age 11, and in boys around age 13 (Feldman, 2014, pp 377). We learned that these changes not only affect the bodies of adolescents but also have psychological effects like become more self aware of how they treat their bodies and how they look. There are nutritional needs that can affect the adolescents growth and development during this important time. You need to make sure that they have the proper balance of food to help the body grow properly. Concerns about obesity can cause some adolescents, especially girl to develop and eating disorder …show more content…
The early adulthood is when you learn about stress and really decide where you want to go with your life decisions. This time of early adulthood is the best time for general health and body activity. The body senses generally reach their peak in early adulthood, health risks are minimal (Feldman, 2014, pp 444). Early adulthood is when you start to really learn about stress, and ways to cope with stress. People cope with stress in a number of healthy and unhealthy ways, including problem focused coping, emotion focused coping, social support, and defensive coping (Feldman, 2014, pp 444). Early adulthood is when you decide which college to attend and different ways the world works in college. In college, students learn different ways of understanding the world, shifting from dualistic thinking to multiple thinking and to a more relativistic (Feldman, 2014, pp 445). In college years is usually when people start setting their standards on who they would like to marry and what their life looks like 5 years from now. Although Western cultures love tends to be the most important factors in selecting a partner, other cultures emphasize other factors (Feldman, 2014, pp 473). Having children in early adulthood brings pressure to any relationship on whether to get married and which responsibilities each adult should take on. Career choices are a big determining factor in the …show more content…
In middle adult hood life seems to change drastically from the early years of the hustle and bustle of life. During middle adult hood it seems like everything starts declining slowly as you age. This decline slowly starts with physical changes in which you might decline in eye sight, hearing, and reaction time. During middle adulthood, roughly the period from 40 to 65 people typically decline slowly in height, weight and strength (Feldman, 2014, pp 504). The changes in sexuality for women include no longer being able to get pregnant and going from having a period to have hot flashes. These hormone changes can usually be controlled or maintained by hormone therapy. The changes men have are more sublet and they usually include decreased sex drive and increased prostate. This middle adulthood is a time that you become your body presents with more health issues including disease. Coronary heart disease and cancer are a few of the major health problems that middle adulthood need to be aware of and talk frequently about at doctor appointments. Although this is a period of decline in health there is a way to combat this decline with proper diet and exercise consistently. The best antidote for physical and psychological deteriorations appears to be a healthful lifestyle, including regular exercise (Feldman, 2014, pp
Hormone levels can diminish. b) Psychological Development: Middle-aged adults are often equipped with a mature brain as well as life-experience to make wiser decisions. c) Social Development: Common social expectations include caring for both older and younger generations, making contributions to society, financial security, career productivity, significant relationships and marriage, parenting, refining existing products and creating new ones, and creative projects and talents. d) Possible Counseling Issues: If an adult age forty to sixty is unable to achieve goals and contribute to society, they can suffer from stagnation. Many of the counselling issues from early adulthood continue, along with the added social responsibilities and expectations, making this arguably the most busy and stressful life period.
Middle-aged adults begin to show visible signs of aging. Vision usually changes and many who did not need corrective lenses or eyeglasses may find that they need them. Hearing loss begins, especially at the higher frequencies. Height begins with the maximum height from young adulthood but then begins to diminish. This process is more rapid in women who have osteoporosis. Changes occur in the nervous system and reaction time slows. The ability to perform complex tasks remains intact. Those in middle age usually begin to gain weight, 5–10 kg (10–20 lb) and experience a decline in strength and flexibility. Women in late middle age experience menopause. Menopause can have many side effects, some welcome and some not so welcome.[2] Menopause ends
"Midlife transition" is a natural stage that happens to many of us at some point (usually at about age 40, give or take 20 years).
To start with, we will talk about middle adulthood and see some examples of it. First, what middle adulthood means is when an individual is in the transitional age span between young adult and elderly, approximately 45 to 65 years of age. Now, here are some of the major characteristics or physical changes that a person can experience when been in the middle adulthood stage. For example; decline in vision, hearing, immune-system functioning, and changes in skin are some of the problems that people can faced during the middle adulthood stage. The reason why these changes happen are because aging speeds up very quickly during middle adulthood and also because we start losing some of our energy that we used to have when we were
During middle adulthood biological and physical changes become apparent. During this time visual perception, hearing and the reproductive system
In our society today, the older population is a diverse and growing group with more and more individuals reaching the life stage of late adulthood, and even very late adulthood. According to Hutchison (2015), the late adulthood stage begins at 65 years of age and continues through 85 years of age and the very late adulthood stage begins at 85 and carries through until death. During the aging process, many changes occur within the body and mind as well as family structure and social roles. Individuals who have reached these life stages today may have lived through the Great Depression, the World Wars, the Civil Rights Movement, and many other important historic events, all of which have shaped their life experiences. For
The age of 65 has usually been cited as the dividing line between middle age and old age (Santrock 2013, Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2016, p.657). Changes in health after 65 years old are normal. It is a process called senescence (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2016, p. 658) that affects people in the ageing process in different ways and in different rates. The changes during the adulthood are: the appearance, where the body start aging and wrinkles appear, walking is more difficult, the hair is thinner and one starts losing hair, gray hair will turn in white hair, pain in the muscles, and varicose
For the purpose of remaining consistent throughout this report, we are going to assume that middle adulthood begins at 45 years of age. While the majority of adults in this age bracket maintain healthy and satisfying lives, the realities of physical deterioration are inevitable, and can only be postponed for so long.
As we grow in to adulthood, many things start to change in our life. Aging is an unavoidable process, beginning at conception and ending with death. The process does not proceed at a uniform rate all over the body. As we age, the organ systems of individuals age at different rates. Our body gradually slows down in early adult life. These changes are not apparent until perhaps 50 years of age as they are not perceptible.
However, middle age is best known for its infamous midlife crisis. The term implies that middle age is a period of difficulties and stress brought about by turning 40. They struggle to balance their life between work and family commitments. They juggle the responsibility of caring for older family members at the same time as children, or dealing with other family disruptions, like bereavement or divorce. During midlife crisis, men try to reassert their masculinity by engaging in more youthful male behaviours, like having a younger companion and having plastic surgeries. The telltale signs like grey hair, sagging breasts and boomer belly tells you that you have entered middle age. Midlife crisis is such a ubiquitous
Middle-aged adults are continuing on their path of life. They are also continuing to go through many life changes, but these are often social issues. These issues are often marriage, careers, and having children. This age group also endures some body changes, both mentally and physically. This generation is also dealing with the fact they are getting closer to old age.
Most teens in the United States take in enough calories, but do not eat healthy foods. High fat, sugar, and salty foods combined with a sedentary life style leave many teens struggling with being overweight or obese. Such teens experience health risks such as sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and type II diabetes. Teens may also experience eating disorders. Teenage girls are especially vulnerable to eating disorders in cultures obsessed with thinness.
As I continue to get older, I realize the saying when the elderly say, “Do not rush things and it will come to you” or “You live as long as me you will understand what I am saying”. For this week’s assignment is called “Middle adulthood health, demography, and social practice. Kirst-Ashman &Hull, 2016 states “Middle age has no distinct biological markers”. I will include in the assignment a description of health concerns, analysis that explains the factors, and explanation of how I should take these potential health concerns.
The stage that follows early adulthood is known as middle adulthood where people are generally caught between being productive and being stagnant. This stage reflects the need to create a living legacy: they would either need to feel they have become an important figure for the next generation to follow or they would develop a sense of purposelessness which is generally known as a “mid-life crisis”. This crisis can be solved by having the adults care and nurture children or help the fore-coming generation in other ways or means, however if the crisis remains the person would persist in random non-age-appropriate behavior as well as a continued feeling in stagnation. During this stage adults lose some of their physical aspects as their muscular strength, ability and agility weakens. Women will go through a menopausal
There are five characteristics that all adolescents have. These characteristics are biological growth and development, an undefined status, increased decision-making, increased pressures, and the search for self. The brain and the endocrine system control biological growth and development. During the early stages of adolescence, individuals experience growth in height and weight, changes in the body, the development of sexual characteristics, and skin problems. For example, I started getting curves in my body when I hit puberty. My body started to develop changes. Our society’s expectations for children and adults are clear, but for the adolescent, expectations are inexplicit. Some adolescents are treated like children, but some are treated like adults. There is an undefined status. For example, my parents pay for my lunch, but I have to have a job so I can support myself.