
Adolescence Substance Use And Drug Abuse

Decent Essays

Adolescence substance use has been a serious problem in American society. Within the previous year, more teens are engaging in the use of illegal substances. Adolescence tend to use drugs for multiple reasons related to their personal life such as school, stress, life at home, etc., “Past-year use of illicit drugs other than marijuana continues to decline to the lowest level in history” (National Institute on Drug Abuse [NIDA], 2016). The rate of the use of illicit drugs may have declined, but the use of marijuana and alcohol is still considered a serious problem. “An estimated 3.3 million teenagers are alcoholics” (Comp, L.L, 1984). Adolescence substance use not only impacts the user, but it has serious impacts on their community or our society. They can be affected physically, psychologically, socially, academically, and economically. Adolescence that develop a pattern of repeated use tend to lose interest in normal activities such as sports (NIDA, 2014). Adolescence that misuse substances are more likely to develop mental illnesses or mental health problems such as depressions and psychological abnormalities (Crowe, A.H, 1998). With psychological abnormalities, the adolescence is more likely to lose their ability to socialize. Rapid social changes may occur where the adolescent may weaken their sense of family and increase the sense of belonging to other people, groups and places (UNDCP, 1995).
Adolescence that misuse substances are more likely to fail academically

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