In 1999 a seventeen year old boy named Adnan Syed was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment for the death of Hae Min Lee. In my opinion, this arrest should have never happened as abruptly as it did. Adnan Syed had some evidence against him, but so did many of his peers. Due to this incompetent amount of proof against Adnan Syed, I believe he is innocent. In episode 12 of Serial, the narrator describes the vast amount of inconsistencies the evidence has against Adnan Syed. For example, his friend Jay has given several variations of stories on his whereabouts the night of her death. Serial digs deeper and searches telephone history, proving Jay was being dishonest. This one example of miscommunication and false evidence is a big enough
Adnan Syed is accused of murdering his ex-girlfriend, and various factors present him as a very likely suspect. Information put together by the state don’t add up, but instead prove he is innocent. Is Adnan guilty or innocent for his ex-girlfriend’s death? In the Serial Podcast, journalist Sarah Koenig discusses the case, committed almost seventeen years ago, and uncovers new evidence that indicates Adnan’s innocence. Adnan Syed has been viewed as a boyfriend, honor roll student, and a murderer. Many described him as a smart, flirtatious, and a likable high schooler. On January 13, 1999, his ex-girlfriend, Hae Min Lee, was murdered. Investigators immediately assumed Adnan as the primary suspect because Hae had broken up with him, a month
Annually hundreds of wrongfully convicted bystanders are let out of prison, some having served decades for crimes they didn’t commit. On January 13th, 1999, Hae Min Lee of Woodlawn high school was murdered and her body later found in linkin park. The person convicted? Adnan Syed, an ex-boyfriend. With, the majority of the evidence easily disproven by cell tower records, an alibi not ever addressed, and jurors who openly admit his culture was a factor, Adnan Syed deserves the right to a new and fair trial.
When someone is innocent, they aren’t blamed for a crime, and when someone is guilty, they are blamed. So, would Adnan Syed be innocent or guilty, for being accused of murdering Hae Min Lee? The podcast Serial is narrated by Sarah Koenig, which is about a man named Adnan Syed who was put in jail for “killing” a woman named Hae Mine Lee. Adnan’s ex-friend, Jay, accused and turned in Adnan into the police, stating that Adnan killed Hae. Because of this, Adnan was convicted of first-degree murder and was sentenced to life. After investigating the case, it is clear that Adnan is innocent because he had a good relationship with Hae after the breakup, he was a good student, and there was no trace of Adnan that showed he killed Hae.
In the case of Adam Lanza’s crime I do believe there is a theory that may help explain his action. One of the theories that caught my eye in the book was social process theory. This theory states, “The view that criminality is a function of people’s interactions with various organizations, institutions, and processes in society”(Siegel). In my opinion the social institutions Adams was in played a key role in his actions. His family and school definitely had a big impact on why he decided to go kill innocent individuals. First of all Adam was not mentally stable from a young age, which should have been addressed by the parents. Adam was diagnosed with Sensory processing and Asperger autism that lead him to be very quite and shy. He was also
The criminal justice system is meant to protect the innocent, and punish those who are guilty of a crime. However, no system is perfect, and as a result, sometimes the innocent become victims of the system that was meant to protect them. How exactly do these innocent people become victims of the system? Sometimes the person gets framed, and the crime scene is staged to point a finger at them. Sometimes, there is no strong physical evidence against them, yet circumstantial evidence is used by the crown to put them away. This happened to a 17 year old boy named Adnan Syed in Baltimore, Maryland, who was imprisoned for life, for the alleged murder of his ex-girlfriend Hae Lee. Throughout the Serial podcast, Sarah Koenig is able to critically analyze information which proves Adnan’s innocence. Firstly, Asia’s letters gave Adnan an alibi for the time of the murder. Secondly, Adnan’s innocence can be demonstrated through the lack of any strong evidence and the prosecution’s use of circumstantial evidence which can be disproved. Thirdly, Jay’s constantly changing testimony is not credible evidence of Adnan’s guilt, making him innocent.
Proving whether or not someone is innocent or guilty is a difficult task. That's why we rely on court hearings, lawyers, judges and unbiased jury members to help decide whether a person is guilty or innocent of crime. In the court of law, Every person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. On January 13th, 1999, Adnan Syed supposedly murdered his 18 year old ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee by manual strangulation. Hae Min Lee’s body was found in Leakin Park located in Baltimore City Maryland. On February 25, 2000 Adnan Syed was sentenced to life in prison plus 30 years, for the murder of Hae Min Lee. During the trial, Jay Wilds testimony became the sole focus of the investigation and eventually the conviction. 15 years later, extensive
My verdict is Adnan Syed is innocent of the murder of Hae Min Lee. I reached this verdict after analyzing the evidence and determining that there was a reasonable doubt that he committed the murder. The following pieces of evidence showed he was not linked to the crime: The first piece of evidence talks about the lack of physical proof.
Of the 93% of women that were murdered by men that they knew, 63% were an intimate acquaintance (Wyman). Throughout the podcast called “Serial”, producer Sarah Koenig gives her take on the murder of Hae Min Lee. She was murdered on January 13, 1999 in Baltimore, Maryland. Adnan Syed was convicted of murder and is currently serving a life sentence. Now, Adnan is receiving a retrial. Jay, an acquaintance of Adnan’s, testifies that Adnan is guilty allowing him to not receive a sentence. Jay’s knowledge of the location of Hae’s car is further supported by Adnan’s lack of recognition of events on the day Hae was murdered, which shows Adnan killed Hae
Think about how often people get arrested and how often trials are held every year, let alone every day. Oftentimes, innocent people are accused and charged for a crime that wasn’t their fault. This was the case for Adnan Syed, an innocent guy who was put in jail for a murder case. On January 13, 1999, Hae Min Lee was murdered at the age of 17. The evidence in this case was very unexplainable, but of course, the state went after Hae’s ex-boyfriend Adnan who really had nothing to do with the murder. Things that prove Adnan’s innocence are the breakup between him and Hae, how Adnan thought about and his feelings towards Hae, how the times and stories told with others didn’t suit well, and his alibi. Additionally, his DNA didn’t match with items
What would you do if a convicted criminal’s guilt was being questioned? Would you have the urge to let your inner detective shine? If you are one of those people, the perplexity of this murder would be right up your alley. On January 13, 1999, in Baltimore, Maryland, 18-year old high school senior Hae Min Lee mysteriously disappeared after school, leaving her family and friends worried. Weeks later, on February 9, 1999, the innocent young woman’s body was found buried in Leakin Park. Many people, including the whole state of Maryland, pointed fingers at Adnan Syed. Syed comes from a traditional Muslim family, yet he did “American teen-like” things, such as dating and going to
The issue of religious bias and stereotype now obtain around the world, including America, which led to social differentiation, crimes and their ethnic identity. This phenomenon may bring an impact on court decision because of their bias toward the religion. Stereotype of religion have affected the defendant, which should not be used against the defendant because stereotype is an unfair belief. In the Serial podcast, the murder of Hae Min Lee has caused worldwide attention and discussion. A 17 years old teenage boy, Adnan Syed, has been convicted to the first degree murder. Adnan is born in a Muslim family from Pakistan, people assumed that Adnan must be a Muslim because of his parent 's faith. His Muslim identity has been repeated and emphasized in the podcast and trial, this factor may affect his court of decision due to the stereotype of Muslim. Religious profiling may have affected Adnan Syed 's trial in 1990 due to his religion and his Muslim character is being portrayed by religious stereotype which exposed the attitude towards Muslims in the United States.
Physical evidence was extremely lacking, and all DNA tests conducted were clear of Syed’s DNA. Therefore, it is more than likely that Syed is innocent. The evidence, or lack thereof, presented in the case of Adnan Syed v. State of Maryland proves that Adnan Syed is not guilty of the murder of Hae Min Lee.
A lot of people wonder if Adnan Syed is guilty or innocent, today as a legal assistant I'm going to tell you one important reason why he is innocent. Adnan is not guilty because there is another potential suspect like Jay. Jay's story that "proves" Adnan's guilt, has changed every interview and testimony. Jay had intimate knowledge of the crime he knew things, like if he knew every single thing that Adnan was thinking about which makes everything looked suspicious. Also Jay's stories don't quite match Adnan's cell records.
Adnan Syed, a senior in Woodlawn High School, was convicted and charged with the first-degree murder of his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee in 1999. Not only is Adnan’s alibi inconclusive, but he also fails to recall any specific details or occurrences of January 13th-the date Hae Min Lee disappeared. His acquaintance, Jay Wilds, has served as the State’s key witness. Despite having already served seventeen years in prison, Adnan did not murder Hae Min Lee. His innocence simply has not been captured due to missing perspectives, inconsistencies in Jay’s story, and biases in the law enforcement.
The Serial podcast, hosted by Sarah Koenig, is about the murder of young Woodlawn High School student Hae Min Lee. Hae was a smart, ambitious, and outgoing young lady taken from this world too soon. Sarah Koenig and the podcast takes us through the ins and outs of typical and unusual teenager behavior to try and uncover something unseen in this case. Adnan Syed, the now convicted murder, and Jay Wilds, the state’s only witness, are the key people of this story. I believe Adnan’s innocence should be maintained because Jay’s story should not have been used for evidence, there was not enough evidence to even arrest Adnan, and Adnan had a trustworthy alibi.