You know when you try to defend yourself for something you believe that you did not do?
Trying to clear your name but you feel that you are being ignored. Well this specific scenario, is what Adnan Syed is facing, who was convicted for supposedly killing his ex-girlfriend Hae Min
Lee. Adnan with confidence states that he is not guilty, and explains that he is wrongfully convicted. The Crown came to the conclusion of his guilt by relying to one witness’ testimony,
Jay, who explains Adnan is the person behind Hai’s death, supplying the Crown with a story.
Fortunately, Adnan can be proven not guilty with these few points. First off, the Crown
Attorney provides lack of information and physical evidence to go against Adnan and prove
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Lastly, the question of Adnan’s motive that the Crown put on him. They believe the reason to why Adnan would be the one who killed Hai is because of his anger towards her leaving him. This motive can be easily argued with witness who can state otherwise. These three reasons can prove why Adnan can be proven not guilty and perhaps allow people to think wisely and optimistically about this situation.
The quality and quantity of evidence is a good tool to have in order to prove someone is guilty. It defends lies and made up stories that people create along the way which they use to defend themselves. Unfortunately, with Adnan’s case, the Crown did not take the importance of evidence into consideration, it is as if the importance of having good evidence and what it could lead into had no meaning for Adnan’s arrest. To start off with the witnesses that supposedly prove Adnan is guilty, they are biased with minimal information to support their reasoning. For example, the witness the Crown leans towards to prove Adnan’s guilt is Jay. Jay is someone who admits to being involved in the crime, assisting Adnan, it would not make sense to allow Jay’s testimony to have the power it received which was the key to
The main source of evidence that the prosecutors used against Adnan was Jay, who by himself was not a credible informant. There were many inconsistencies in Jay’s testimony, and his side of the story changed each time he was interviewed. As well as Jay’s claims, there were many statements pointing to Adnan’s religious background being a motive for him murdering Hae
Most people don’t think adnan is guilty since there isn’t enough evidence . When you start to look at all the evidence and all the stories that were told it all truly comes back onto adnan. Adnan is guilty for the crime he did because he can’t recall where he was on current day, every speech he has given it falls back on him, and most of all adnan is in every evidence that anyone gives.
When someone is innocent, they aren’t blamed for a crime, and when someone is guilty, they are blamed. So, would Adnan Syed be innocent or guilty, for being accused of murdering Hae Min Lee? The podcast Serial is narrated by Sarah Koenig, which is about a man named Adnan Syed who was put in jail for “killing” a woman named Hae Mine Lee. Adnan’s ex-friend, Jay, accused and turned in Adnan into the police, stating that Adnan killed Hae. Because of this, Adnan was convicted of first-degree murder and was sentenced to life. After investigating the case, it is clear that Adnan is innocent because he had a good relationship with Hae after the breakup, he was a good student, and there was no trace of Adnan that showed he killed Hae.
Although i believe Adnan is innocent some people may think he is guilty because his palm print was on a map book. Some people may argue that he committed the crime, this reason is why people think he did it that he was mapping were to bury the body. They were looking all around the park for clues and found the map. But i think this source is not that reliable because they could not tell if this map was 6 weeks old or six months old the palm one knows he could of went there a bunch of times it is still a public park.he could of went there along time ago just to visit and might of threw the map away without even knowing.
Adnan had a very vague memory of that day, which would make sense if it was just a normal day when he did nothing memorable. However the lack of an alibi does hurt his defense and he knows that, "There's nothing I can do. So perhaps I'll never be able to explain it. And it is what it is. If someone believes me or not, you know, I have no control over it." The lack of evidence doesn't help Adnan's case, but it's not enough to convict. So all that is left is the testimony of Jay Wilds, which was the basis of the qprosecutions case against Adnan. Although this testimony was crutial to the conviction, it had problems. Throughout Jays police interviews and court testimony his story changed multiple times. They ended up settling on the one that was closest to matching their cell records. Due to the one witness rule a court can convict with only one witness testimony. However it has to prove him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and it is absolutely reasonable to doubt someone who continuously changed his story. So with all this information, or lack there of, the court did not have nearly enough valid evidence to prove his
I think Syed is innocent. Firstly, there was not enough evidence to put Syed in prison in the first place. Secondly, Syed said that after they broke up, he never hated her, he was OK and did really care. Lastly, with the evidence that Sarah discovered it is obvious that he did not commit the crime, Ashia’s letters could have easily pleaded him innocent. However, Asia then calls one of the prosecutors saying that she was pressured to write the letters. But she could have easily gotten out of it, and called the police on them. Thus, I think Asia must have something to do with the
In conclusion, adnan is guilty because their is a lot of evidence against him. Even though adnan is guilty, he shows he is ultimately innocent because everyone thinks he has good character. What I mostly learned from this project is to always investigate, if something don’t look
Firstly, the Nisha call placed Adnan with Jay after the murder. This call could have been a butt-dial that rang for 2 minutes. The call could have been from Adnan, who wanted to make Jay talk with Nisha. The Nisha call does not prove Adnan killed Hae, as it simply just puts him with Jay at the time. Also, the prosecution stated that Adnan was constantly doing bad things. Everyone does bad things, but it does not make them murderers. Finally, Jay knew the location of Hae’s car. The fact that Jay knew the location of Hae’s car should arouse suspicion on him. The evidence utilized by the prosecution is circumstantial and can be disproved, and the lack of strong evidence proves Adnan’s
Others think that Adnan is innocent and deserves a second chance; However, it is clear that he is guilty. Adnan is guilty because he asked for a ride from Hae the day that she was killed, he put everything on the line for Hae and got mad when he lost her, and he is someone who may be a murderer. In the first place, a solid reason why Adnan is guilty is because
Adnan is probably innocent because the only solid evidence is Jay’s inconsistent testimony. The first evidence is the police audio when the first audio played jay mentions that he Adnan were at on the mall and the other audio mentions that they were at a different mall. And the second evidence is the court tapes when Adnan lawyer is questioning jay and changes his answers at the moment when jay was at the stage. And last evidence is Jay’s lack of memory because hard to believe that he forgot the day/night that he saw a dead body for the first time (Hae Min Lee’ Body)
or something. And I sat down next to him. We starting chatting,” by Asia Mclean. This piece of evidence gives Adnan an abili to where he was after school and it causes us to believe that he couldn’t have killed Hae. The final piece of evidence Adnan and how he was during the
We believe that Jay is guilty. In the next five minutes we will prove to you that Adnan is in fact innocent and why Jay should be in jail. Adnan was close friends with Jay’s girlfriend Stephanie which is what we believe Jay’s motive was to murder Hae. The court convicted Adnan of the murder with the motive of being jealous of Hae’s new relationship. We argue that the motive of jealousy was what made Jay kill Hae Min Lee.
Physical evidence was extremely lacking, and all DNA tests conducted were clear of Syed’s DNA. Therefore, it is more than likely that Syed is innocent. The evidence, or lack thereof, presented in the case of Adnan Syed v. State of Maryland proves that Adnan Syed is not guilty of the murder of Hae Min Lee.
A lot of people wonder if Adnan Syed is guilty or innocent, today as a legal assistant I'm going to tell you one important reason why he is innocent. Adnan is not guilty because there is another potential suspect like Jay. Jay's story that "proves" Adnan's guilt, has changed every interview and testimony. Jay had intimate knowledge of the crime he knew things, like if he knew every single thing that Adnan was thinking about which makes everything looked suspicious. Also Jay's stories don't quite match Adnan's cell records.
With the State’s defense crumbling without Jay’s testimony, what is the evidence against Adnan? There is physical evidence linking him to the murder, that is undisputable. So what does the state have? A palm print of Adnan’s on the back of an Atlas but not on the most incriminating page is about it for the State. If we stripped this case of Jay and all the “maybe” evidence you’re left with motive. It’s simple because Adnan didn’t have one. He was friends with Hae, Adnan was civil towards her and her new boyfriend, and he himself had already moved on as well. If we put this case back together and include all the so-called evidence then we need an alibi for