
Administrative Case Study

Decent Essays

The Addition of an Administrative Case

If you are arrested for a DUI, you are not only part of a DUI case, but also an administrative case. In Smyrna, Georgia, the administrative case is separate to the criminal case but occurs alongside it. While it may seem like the criminal case is more important, you must attend both hearings.

An administrative case focuses on the use of a Breathalyzer test. If you had a blood alcohol concentration above the limit or refused to take the test, your driving privileges may be taken away for up to 12 months. Upon your arrest, you have 10 days to file an appeal to prevent the suspension of your license. This is when a lawyer's help is paramount. They can begin the appeal process immediately and help you through …show more content…

The blood alcohol concentration only has to be 0.02% for drivers under the age of 21 for an arrest. In this case, drivers will be charged with an underage DUI. There may also be additional charges compounded onto a DUI charge due to underage drinking. Furthermore, those charged with an underage DUI will not be able to get a special driving permit for work or school if they get their driver's license suspended. Jim Yeargan has experience working on these complicated cases, allowing him to provide you with the help you …show more content…

Drivers under the influence of drugs can also be charged with a DUI. Furthermore, the drug in question doesn't even have to be illegal. Prescription drugs, such as painkillers and sleep aids, can also affect the way you drive. If you are suspected to be under the influence of a drug, prescription or not, you can be charged with a DUI.

Unlike alcohol intoxication, there isn't a defined legal limit or definition of drug intoxication. Because of this, these cases can be incredibly tricky. Jim Yeargan has experience working on these particular cases and can navigate the court system to protect your future. If you experience a DUI drug arrest, you need to call Jim Yeargan's office immediately for guidance and help.

Marijuana Possession

Much like drug and alcohol DUI arrests, officers must have a valid reason to pull you over for a marijuana charge. Once they have stopped you, they can arrest you for a drug-related DUI if they have reason to believe you are under the influence, such as the smell or visible

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