
Adlerian Theory Approach To Counseling International High School Students

Decent Essays

The theoretical approach that I see myself using as a professional counselor in regard to counseling international high school students is Adlerian therapy which has a strong focus on reeducating individuals and in reshaping society. I believe that in order for me to be able to understand someone's situation is important to know some information from his or her past. After studying the different types of counseling theories that can be used in counseling high school students the theory that I would like to use is the Adlerian theory. I would like to use this theory because my goal is to become a school counselor for International High School’s. I would like to work in an International High School with students who are new to the United States. I would like to integrate the Adlerian theory into my work because as stated by Corey (2013), Adlerian theory believes that all human behavior has a purpose which is definitely influenced by the individual past, and with any significant early event that occurred in the individual life” (Corey, 2013). The belief in Adlerian theory fits with my philosophy of life that individual past can help us understand why people attempt to behave a certain way and that people new decisions or goals are influenced by their past decisions. I believe that if I integrate the Adlerian theory into my work, this will give me the opportunity to have a better understanding of my student’s culture, background and past family information which will help me

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