
Adherence to Medical Advice Essay

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Adherence to Medical Advice a) Adherence to medical advice depends on various factors. Psychologists have carried out research and experiments to find the factors into compliance. Kent and Dalgleish (1996) had claimed that perceived seriousness of illness of the mother was more important than that of the doctors, this meant that mothers who felt their children were more susceptible to illness were more likely to adhere to a medical regime set out by the doctor, and attend the appointments made than those mothers who had a different conviction. The study of Turk and Meinchenbaum (1991) supports the idea that patients are less likely to adhere due to the potential side effects of …show more content…

Payne and Walker (1996) advocated the fact that patients who have a low self-esteem are more likely to value what the doctor tells them and thus as a result more likely to adhere as a doctor in their perspective is a person of high esteem. The older you get the more likely you are to forget what the doctor has said, Yung et al (1998) showed that age can have an affect on adherence rates, thuss the older people have more difficulty in recalling information related to their medical conditions and the associated treatmeant required.


Giving people the opportunity to raise concerns about medication is also important. This is consistent with research on the determinants of adherence which tells us that patients typically only follow recommendations they really believe in and those they actually have the ability to carry out.3 While many people, particularly parents of young children, may be concerned about possible side effects of medication, it is equally important to reinforce the possible risks of not taking medication. Providing opportunities for discussion and choice about medication type and delivery device is a strategy to encourage greater involvement in asthma self-management and improve adherence.

Adherence is best with the lowest number of medications and the lowest dosage intervals. Improve patient recall by providing

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