
Adhd Case Study For Children

Decent Essays

Introduction to Case
Alex is a 7-year old child with attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). The family environment is very dysfunctional. Alex’s parents have no rules or guidelines for him to follow. Alex and his two other siblings are allowed to do whatever they want. Alex’s parents both have full time jobs and it his hard for them to monitor their children. Alex’s three strengths are: enthusiastic social personality (output), leadership in sports (output) and quick thinking (processing). Alex is very social with his classmates and is a creative student. He has the ability to take in information quickly when interested in the topic. Some of Alex’s challenges are: difficulty getting organized and starting tasks (processing), completing work at school and home (output), and difficulty remaining in his seat (input).

Assessment Recommendations …show more content…

This test would allow me to understand where the child would be considered in his IQ and also which subtests he may struggle or excel in. Also this would determine whether Alex is not completing his homework because he does not want to or because there may be an intelligence factor preventing him from completing it. I would also perform behavioral observation assessments on Alex. This would help to determine where Alex’s strengths and weakness are and be able to enhance his assets and ameliorate his limitations. This would allow myself to determine tasks that the child could complete without sitting still and develop an organization system to suit his needs. Other assessments I would combine would be RtI and Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports approaches in Multitiered Systems of support, which has shown to reduce drop out rates, suspension and expulsion for students with ADHD (Kirk, Gallagher & Coleman,

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