
Addiction Short Story Addiction

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According to, long-term studies of drug use patterns show that most high school students who use other illegal drugs have tried marijuana first. Teens are often peer pressured into doing drugs; they get to comfortable with them they inevitably reframe to harder and more potent drugs. In Cole Meyer’s short story, “Addiction” the narrator is a struggling teen addict and his addiction continues to worsen as he ages. Meyer uses setting, character and conflict to illustrate the devastating effects of addiction on the individual. In the short story, the protagonist lives in an environment where the use of drugs and alcohol is so common, that even teenagers had easy access to the products. The narrator explains, “The first time I heard Pink Floyd was with Alison. Her parents were hippies, and they’d let us get high in her bedroom”, this shows that even the parents of the teens condone their actions and did not care about what they were doing. There were even special places one could go to receive the drugs; he explains, “Aaron’s house for weed, Ryan’s for coke…The alley behind Home Depot was for heroin”. The constant leniency of the parents are guardians of the teens enable them to do as they please and inevitability sends them down the wrong path in life. The protagonist of the story is an unnamed male whose experiments with alcohol and weed at fifteen years old lead to harder drugs and greater consequences that threaten his safety and security. For example, the narrator says, “Donny said he saw me standing sorta wonky in the back and said I need a hit. Donny was the first to get me high”, he implies that his friend Donny got him high because of how he was standing. The use of drugs did not just stop at marijuana, the narrator also indulged in alcohol, he goes on saying, “The rest of the kids would watch as Mark and I shotgunned Schlitz beneath the bleachers of the stadium”. Which eventually led to him dropping out if school and focusing on his habits and not his well-being. The protagonist constant influences from his friend and associates increased his use and encouraged the damages that were being done to him and his body. His habits started to heighten and the stronger drugs were amongst him,

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