Nearly 21 million people in the United States have experienced addiction. 1 out of 8 people suffer from addiction once in their lifetime. Drug addiction is a very serious sickness that can “change” people into completely different people. Addiction is a sickness found among many people in the United States due to drug abuse. Lots of people have the wrong idea of addiction, they think that it is a choice and something that a person can control. “Addiction is a chronic brain disease that causes a person to compulsively seek out drugs, despite the harm they cause. The first time a person uses drugs, it’s usually a free choice they’ve made.” (NIDA). Addiction is a sickness that causes someone to feel as if they have to have the drug their addicted …show more content…
“Cocaine: premature delivery, low birth weights and smaller size for gestational age” (The Effect of Drugs on Pregnancy). A woman who does cocaine while pregnant can have her baby early, and the baby can have a low birth weight. “Methamphetamine: Risk of premature birth, fetal growth etc.” (The Effect of Drugs on Pregnancy). Methamphetamine has one of the same risks as cocaine, but consuming meth while pregnant can also cause the fetus to not grow properly inside the womb. “Inhalants: Fatal malformation” (The Effect of Drugs on Pregnancy). Inhalants can cause the baby to not grow and shape directly like a fetus should. The effects of taking these drugs are very significant. There are many types of drugs and they have different effects on the body. “There are seven different drug types, and each has its own set of effects and risks: Stimulants, Depressants, Hallucinogens, Dissociatives, Opioids, Inhalants, and Cannabis” (Types of Drugs). The different types of drugs do different things, physically and internally to the body. “Stimulants (or “uppers”) impact the body’s central nervous system (CNS), causing the user to feel as if they are “speeding up.” These drugs increase the user’s level of alertness, pumping up heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and blood glucose levels” (Types of Drugs). Types of stimulants are cocaine and methamphetamine. “Like stimulants, depressants also impact the body’s CNS, but with the …show more content…
“Yes, there are treatments, but there is no cure for drug addiction yet. Addiction is often a disease that is long-lasting (sometimes referred to as chronic)” (NIDA). Drug addiction happens easily but sadly that isn't the case for getting over it. Drug addiction usually lasts a long time and is very hard to overcome. “The types of treatments that are available depends on the person and the drugs that they are addicted too” (NIDA). There are different types of treatments that consider the drug the person has been rough handling. “Like diabetes and even asthma, drug addiction typically is a long-lasting disorder. Most people who have become addicted to drugs need long term treatment and, many times, repeated treatments—much like a person who has asthma needs to constantly watch changes in medication and exercise” (NIDA). Getting over drug addiction takes dedication and lots of effort. It is not easy to overcome but there are ways to get
Addiction is a chronic brain disease that often results in some sort of relapse. Addiction is characterized by inability to control drug use which results in problems with one’s behaviors and interpersonal relationships. This disease causes compulsive behaviors such as the need to use drugs despite the many harmful consequences that affect the addicted individual and those around him or her. Although for most people, the initial decision to use drugs is a one time lapse in judgement, the brain is easily affected by these drugs if the person decides to use these drugs multiple times. The changes that occur to the brain over time will cause the addicted person’s ability to resist the intense impulses of drugs to be altered causing the addict to often give into the temptation of these drugs. Like other chronic diseases, addiction often involves cycles of relapse and remission. Without treatment or engagement in recovery activities, addiction is progressive and can result in disability or premature death. Drug addiction is an issue that many people deal with whether they are the addict or the addict is their loved one; but with a good source of support anyone can over come the challenges and consequences of addiction.
Addiction, it is all around us, affecting people from all walks of life, it is not limited to certain social classes or lifestyles. It is found in every ethnic group, regardless of gender or age. It affects our neighbors, our friends, and our family either directly or indirectly. Although substances such as alcohol and illegal drugs are two of the most common addictions we hear about, there is a wide range of substances and even activities such as gambling and shopping. There is some debate whether addiction is a brain disease or a choice.
In order to better understand addiction as a disease as opposed to a moral dilemma it first must be broken down. First you must look at the way in which the chemicals affect the brain. The first attempt at partaking in any mind altering substance can be looked at as a choice to the individual. However what happens after that first
Over the years, there have been many discussions on whether addiction is a disease or if it is a choice. Addiction has been considered a disease for many years because it shows the same signs as a disease would. Many believe that addiction is a choice and not a disease. Two articles discuss the topic of whether addiction is a disease or a choice and the article that is saying it is a disease is "Addiction Is a Disease and Needs to Be Treated as Such" by David Sack and the other article is stating that it is a choice and this article is titled "Addiction is not a disease- and were treating addicts incorrectly" by Kyle Smith. Article one, "Addiction Is a Disease and Needs to Be Treated as Such" by David Sack is better than article two "Addiction
It is a proven fact that cocaine use during pregnancy leads to serious complications. Cocaine can cross the placenta and enters the baby’s body, where it stays for longer because the elimination system is not fully developed. It leads to various complications and cocaine use in any form should be avoided throughout the pregnancy.
Addiction: is it a disease or a choice? A disease can be described as “a disorder of structure or function that produces specific signs or symptoms, or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of a physical injury.” Knowing this, one can believe addiction is a disease. It is something that is done frequently, that usually does not end, just as a disease; it cannot cease on its own, because it requires some form of treatment. The big question regarding addiction is why people believe it to be a choice opposed to a disease.
Addiction knows no prejudice; it does not care what race, religion, sex or orientation. You can be addicted to drugs, gambling, x-box, shopping and eating. Addiction is an illness that requires, for most, professional help and that once you are an addict you are always an addict.
What is addiction? The most common definition is the condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. Addiction is so much more than that. People with addiction may not realize that their problem is out of control and could be causing problems for themselves or others around them. Addiction becomes an all-time thing and interferes with usual life responsibilities like relationships, social life, work, and health. People that are struggling with addiction, often cannot quit on their own. Addiction is an illness that entails treatment,
This can be a lethal and vicious Statistics show that every year about 570,000 die due to drug use, 440,000 from disease developed from tobacco use, 85,000 to alcohol, 20,000 to illegal drugs, and 20,000 from prescription drug abuse. However, addiction can be managed through successful treatment and help. Treatment will be lifelong because how easy it is to relapse or become readdicted if not taken care of with proper help.
Addiction is a dangerous illness. It can literally claim a life in a heartbeat. Once addiction develops, it is hard to stop using. It takes hold like a vice, squeezing the addict into submission to become a slave to the opioid.
Addiction has a way of pulling your attention away from your basic needs and making it harder for you to succeed in life. It's a sad truth that I've seen happen to so many people over the years. These are good people, with good brains and real potential, but addiction takes over and they can only focus on that aspect of their life.
The definition provided above is accessible and easy to understand; however, it initiates false beliefs among individuals because it fails to acknowledge that drug addiction is a mental health problem. Moreover, when words such as, “dependence”, “control” and “craving” are used to define drug addiction, it leaves an impression to the reader that addicts are indeed “people who cannot control their impulses.” Consequently, when we fail to recognize that drug addiction is a mental health problem, our focus is diverted towards the physical aspect of drug addiction. This could cause the belief among individuals that drugs alone cause the addiction. It is essential to acknowledge that there are chemical hooks in drugs; however, individuals need to understand that drugs alone do not cause the addiction. We need to identify and distinguish the “root cause” of addiction and ask ourselves: what caused the individual to take the drug in the first place?
Addiction- a primary, chronic, neurobiologic disease, with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations. It is characterized by behaviors that include one or more of the following: impaired control over drug use, compulsive use, continued use despite harm, and craving. The difference between addiction and abuse is often times unclear. It’s a difficult call to make as a family member or a close friend that is dealing with a person like this in their life, but ultimately it is a call that only the addict can make for themselves. There are tons of different sources and tests and questions out there that can be done that can
Drug addiction: A Modern-Day DiseaseThesis statement: Drug abuse is a complex disease that needs enduring and extensive treatment. People who have struggled with substance abuse have often found it extremely difficult to quit due to the physical and/or mental addiction.
Though the treatments for drug addiction is complicated one, it is curable. The treatment is complicated because the addiction has it’s long term effects on the brain and behavior of the person. But if the person has strong determination, consistent on treatment then it make easy to quit the addiction.