
Add Added See Analysis

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Added See

I am not sure that R. 3 is needed in the citation, by its silence as to a written transcript being prepared after a conviction, it does support the author’s assertion. Therefore since the author deliberately placed this rule in I left it in. As to the other two rules, the author’s argument is supported by the inferences that a transcript is not needed for appeal and can be ordered and can be prepared not is, though not directly supported
Added id.

Both rules only mention that it is the court reporters/clerk’s duty to prepare and reviews the transcript and no other rules mention another position doing so, therefore the author’s position is supported inferentially.
Added id.

While the rules cited do not directly state author’s proposition, it obviously follows from it and the cited rules support the proposition …show more content…

15, 21, 25, 26, or 27

The proved source lacks significant highlighting because the author is asserting that there is no rule similar to the military rule within the Court rules and after reading through all of the rules I agree. While the author did not cite all of the criminal procedure rules for the state, I do not believe this is contrary to his point as the remaining rules do not deal with court procedures he is talking about.
Added See (first citation), added id. (second citation and third citation). Added “parties” in parenthetical to help make more sense.

While the rules cited for the first citation do not directly state author’s proposition, it obviously follows from it and the cited rules support the proposition. The other two citations are directly supported by the rules cited
While the rule cited does not directly state author’s proposition, it obviously follows from it and the cited rules support the proposition
Added id. (first and second

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