
Adam Smith 's The Wealth Of Nations Essay

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Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations (Hofstadter, v. 2 pp. 43-46) and Tom Paine’s Common Sense (Hofstadter, v. 2 pp. 53-62) were both published in 1776. However, that is not there only similarities. They both talk about the mother country’s ability to rule its colonies. They also talk about what they believe should and could lead to the political separation of the mother country and its colonies. Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations looked to the fact that it is impractical to control the benefits of the colonies. He hopelessly figured the cost of empire. However, he was too late to effect the British policy. He states that the countries who controlled the American colonies, which had direct trade with the East Indies, were able to enjoy the magnificent commerce. However, Smith believed that the other countries who had to endure the difficult restraints actually enjoyed a greater benefit of it. Every country in Europe tried to engage itself in to the advantage of trade of its own colonies. However, the countries could only engage themselves into the expense of supporting the countries in time of peace and defending them in times of war. At first glance the control of American trade seems to be an addition that any country would want. The lavishness of it; however, is what makes the control of it so hurtful. America should contribute to the release of the public debt of Great Britain. Several American colonies owe their charters and constitution to the government of Great

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