
Ada Lovelace Research Paper

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Augusta Ada King-Noel was a profound writer, mathematician, and computer programmer. "That brain of mine is something more than merely mortal, as time will show (BrainyQuote, Ada Lovelace quotes) ". Ada was a writer,as her father was. She was often called The Countess of Lovelace or the Enchantress of Numbers. Ada Lovelace was born December 10, 1815, Daughter of Lord George Gordon Byron and Lady Anne Isabella Noel Byron. Lord Byron thought that he would have a baby boy, but was upset that he now had a daughter. Lady and Lord Byron's relationship was not a pleasant one, thus their separation 5 weeks after Ada's birth ( Biographies of Women Mathematicians, Ada Lovelace ) . George Byron left England and died in Greece when Ada turned eight years old. Ada was …show more content…

After two years, she walk around using her crutches. When Ada was eight years old, she often had experienced headaches that would disturb her sight. Throughout her childhood and adolescence, her tutors and teachers still taught her about math and science to keep her mind off of all her illnesses. In Augusta’s teen years, specifically age 17, she met Charles Babbage who was a renowned scientist and mathematician in 1833. They befriended each other and he inspired Ada to study more advanced mathematics at the University of London. She was taught by Mary Somerville, William King, William Frend in the science and mathematics field. She wrote paper and did projects in school and also wanted to make a model on “how the brain gives rise to thoughts and nerves to feelings” (Wikipedia, Ada Lovelace). And despite her gender, she excelled in science and mathematics. Which made her mother proud, knowing her daughter would turn out nothing like her father. In nine months, Ada had translated Luigi Menabrea article about the Analytical Engine. She had to rely on her knowledge to get most of it translated and it turned out longer than the original

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