
Acupuncture: New Medicine Alternative or Scam?

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Acupuncture: New Medicine Alternative or Scam? Acupuncture is an old therapeutic practice in Chinese medicine; however, it is becoming more prevalent in America every year. Have you ever wondered how sticking little needles into someone could actually work to reduce pain and other illnesses? Acupuncture is, by definition, “A Chinese medical practice or procedure that treats illness or provides local anesthesia by the insertion of needles at specified sites of the body” (“Acupuncture”). It sounds crazy that getting poked by needles would actually alleviate pain, right? According to an article on the effects of acupuncture on central autonomic regulation, “Acupuncture has clinical efficacy on various nerve-related disorders, such as …show more content…

According to an article by Peter T. Dorsher on acupuncture meridians, the meridians or “channels” in acupuncture are that which Qi flows through during treatment (Dorsher). Today, the scientific aspect of acupuncture is being studied more thoroughly and it is being more commonly used as palliative care along with regular treatment. In 1997, the National Institutes of health had a panel of experts come together to discuss acupuncture’s scientific evidence in which, “the panel concluded that acupuncture is an effective treatment for several medical conditions, and described biochemical and physiological mechanisms that begin to explain these effects” (Leake and Broderick). Liz Neporent with ABC News reports that, “More than 14 million Americans have tried acupuncture, according to the National Health Interview Survey, a large ongoing study that tracks healthcare habits in the US.” It has become one of the few treatments in complimentary medicine that is covered by many health insurance plans (Neporent). Dr. Houman Danesh,

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