
Active Government Essay

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The role of the government has always been a widely debated topic in American history. While some Americans argue for little government involvement, others argue for the government to play an active role in their lives. By analyzing past legislation and major events, it is evident that having a government which is involved in an individual’s life triumphs a passive government. From the 1860’s to the 1980’s, governing with an active government has proven to better the lives of Americans by advancing the rights and privileges of African Americans and by providing new federal reforms which helped to stimulate the economy. Under the presidency of Abraham Lincoln, active government drastically changed the lives of African Americans. After the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln ratified a new piece of legislation, the Thirteen Amendment, which abolished slavery in all states. As stated by Dr. Drake in lecture, ratifying this amendment led to newly emancipated slaves to look for work, to purchase property, and to become involved in religion. A major organization which helped African Americans accomplish these goals was the Freedmen’s Bureau. This major organization was created by Congress to help “…provide ex-slaves with economic and legal resources…” and helped them to obtain property. The Freedmen’s Bureau was not the only time in which Congress stepped in to support African Americans. After freeing and providing slaves with rights, new anti-civil rights groups rose from the

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