
Activated Charcoal Filter Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

1. Gathered all ingredients. Sat aside both water pitchers, activated charcoal filter, cheesecloth, elastic band, filtered water, contaminated water, tap water, and all 3 lead test strips.
2. In a cookie pan, the coffee grounds, silicone, and sugar are mixed together.
3. Coffee mixture has been formed into disk shapes.
4. Disks have dried and set.
5. Gathered clean water in a jar and placed coffee disks inside of it.
6. Gathered both pitchers, the cheesecloth, the elastic band, and the activated charcoal filter.
7. One filter had been put together normally (activated charcoal filter), and the other had the usual body, but the filter had been taken out and had been replaced by one coffee puck wrapped in a cheesecloth and secured with an elastic.

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