
Acquisition Of Canada Dbq Analysis

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War! Yesterday on June 18 1812, President Madison declared war on the Canadas. To quote President Thomas Jefferson, "The acquisition of Canada this year, as far as the neighborhood of Quebec, will be a mere matter of marching, and will give us the experience for the attack on Halifax, the next and final expulsion of England from the American continent." Here is why I believe that a victory for us is definitely guaranteed. Firstly, the prospect of war has been looming for quite some time here as tensions with Britain have gotten worse and worse. For one, there was the infamous Chesapeake-Leopard affair which left many Americans in rage. The incident occurred when British ship, the Leopard, decided to embark American ship, the Chesapeake, looking for deserting British soldiers. When American commodore James Barron refused to let the British commander inspect his crew for deserters, the Leopard proceeded to fire shots at the ship. This resulted in the death of three Americans and wounding eighteen others. The British went ahead and took the deserters they were looking for, leaving the Chesapeake crippled and in shambles. Since force was the method that was used by the British to attack our ships, it is only natural that force is the only response to this humiliating occurrence. The other reason why Britain should have seen the war coming from a mile away are how they supported the asinine idea of the Native Americans raiding in the Northwest Territory in an effort to regain the …show more content…

President Madison has chosen the perfect time to declare war as the British numbers are low and we will hit them at the right time. Even after the Napoleonic wars are over, it will take the British too long to send the soldiers back to fight the war happening at home. With their militia sparse and outnumbered, we will be sure to secure the

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