
Achieving Sustainability In Entering A New World

Decent Essays

The environment has been put in a dangerous position of not having sufficient amount of resources for current residents and the future generations that are to come. Many things such as personal needs put the environment in this position, but most of time we use these products because they are needed. Earth has become reliant on the resources, therefore we use up our resources way too fast. Our current obstacle to obtaining sustainability is we don't manage our resources, and they are used too often when there is not enough to begin with. Individually we are responsible for ourselves and the actions that are used to take care of the environment. To reach sustainability, there needs to be a limit of how much is used.
In an excerpt, Entering a new world, describes an outrageous number of people who makeup the entire population on Earth. In Entering a New World it states “Our global economy is outgrowing the capacity of the earth to support it, moving our early twenty-first century civilization ever closer to decline and possible collapse” demonstrating how …show more content…

In the section Building a New Future in the book states “Mobilizing to save civilization means reconstructing the economy restoring the economy's natural support systems eradicating poverty and stabilizing population” demonstrating what needs to be done as an economy as a whole (258). A solution to the problems are being able to sustain the population and limiting the use of other natural resources such as trees in order to ensure a guaranteed future. It also helps ensure a stable economy. This means not getting involved, the people can afford to survive should survive meanwhile those who cannot help themselves die off that way that population is further sustained. We should limit our resources and use what we only need. We should use our materials

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