
Achievements Of The Gupta Empire

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Jessica Darcy WH1, period 2 December 5th How the Gupta Empire rose and what motivated it?

“ A rapid expansion of the Gupta Empire and… it began a period of overall prosperity and growth “(“Gupta”). The Gupta Empire was located in Central India and parts of Northern India. The rise began in 320 and lasted until 550 BCE. Their rise was motivated by their achievements in the arts and economy. They also had notable cultural unity and ideology. Finally they benefited from their environment to trade. The Gupta empire left a lasting legacy with their arts and achievements that we use everyday. For instance they …show more content…

Buddhism was a huge part of their empire alongside with Hinduism. Knowing that Buddhism and Hinduism was supporting their empire, helped build cultural unity. Buddhism is one of these factors by making the Gupta empire so successful. Another approach of how they had cultural unity and ideology was by establishing Dharma and how they were all happy, “ The people are numerous and happy… the heads of Vaisya[merchant] families in the kingdoms of India established in the cities houses for dispensing medicines and charities”( ). Everyone who was observed were found happy, and the merchant families helped charities and their community. The people from Gupta were kind, happy, and as communities had cultural unity and ideology. The final reason the Gupta empire possessed a fortunate rise was caused by the environment and how they were able to trade with it.

The environment assisted the Guptas rise and the economy. The environment also helped the Gupta’s rise because it helped their economy, trade and helped the population, “ Brought control of Magadha, the fertile and densely populated heartland of the former Mauryan Empire” (Collinson). The fertile land encouraged the population by creating a good area to farm. The densely populated land also supported the rise by creating cities and an empire. The Gupta Empire used their environment to their advantage so they could rise and grow in their economy and population. The environment is another example of how it supported

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