Question: Taking into account Figure 3.4 on page 45 of your textbook (Stakeholder Typology: One, Two, or Three Attributes Present) discuss the ‘Ethics in Practice case’ on page 46 (Are Plants and Flowers Stakeholders? Do they have rights?)
Freeman (1984, P. 46) popularized the definition of a stakeholder as ‘. . . ANY group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the organization’s objectives’. This is a very broad definition meaning that in today’s global business environment any individuals and groups may be business’s stakeholders (Davey, 2015). This sparks the debate about whether or not the natural environment can be identifiable as a stakeholder. In the ethics in practice case ‘Are Plants and Flowers
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This perceives appropriateness or a shareholder’s claim to a stake. Stakeholder legitimacy is defined as a ‘desirable social good’, and legitimate stakeholders are those that ‘really count’ (Mitchell et al., 1997). Stakeholders with an obvious, formal and direct relationship to the company such as owners, customers, and employees have a high degree of legitimacy. Authors excluding the natural environment from being a stakeholder say the natural environment does not have a degree of legitimacy because of it lack of human characteristics and a lack of perceived obligation between it and organizations (Phillips and Reichart, 2000). However Haigh and Griffiths (2009) argue that the natural environment is a legitimate stakeholder because managers address environmental issues to maintain their ‘right to operate’.
Urgency is the degree to which an issue requires immediate action (Mitchell et al., 1997). Extreme weather, as a result of climate change fits this description because it can have devastating impacts. For example, major environmental disasters (e.g. storms and tsunamis) demand urgency and power as they often result in life threatening situations. This results in legitimacy as they require immediate reaction due to the nature of destruction and the effects on the economic, physical and social environment (Davey, 2015).
Power is the ability to influence others to
Ethics are concerned with the fundamental concepts and principles of decent human conduct; which is having a sense of what is right and wrong. Utilitarianism
In this assignment I will be discussing the main topic stakeholder theory, what it means to a company and how it relates to the Ginsters Company. I will also be writing about the main stakeholders in the Ginsters Company and carrying out an analysis on the company’s main stakeholders and how the company approaches the corporate social responsibility.
The purpose of this paper is to recognize the definition and what a stakeholder is and what it does. I will also explain the two groups of the stakeholders and put the stakeholders in the group where they belong. I will explain what the stakeholders responsibilities are, what their ethical responsibilities to the company. Will explain what would be the appropriate response to the situation in the company. And finally explain what Joe should propose to the management team and how Joe should support his proposal.
Due to the information, 20 acres of land equal 80 sheep according to the exchange rate of last year, a one-room cabin equal 3 acres of land and equal 12 sheep finally, a plow equals 2 goat and equal 2/3 sheep according to last year’s exchange rate and 2 carts which were traded with a poor acre of land equals 8 sheep plus 400 sheep. So Deyonne’s total assets are 500(2/3) sheep. Deyonne’s liabilities and assets deduction are 35 sheep plus 3 sheep, which will come to 38 sheep,
In this assignment, I will be talking about what stakeholders mean and the different components of the key stakeholders based on two organisations: Debenhams and Water Aid. A stakeholder is when a person shows a keen interest in the activities of a business, directly or indirectly.
A stakeholder is someone who someone who benefits or is burdened by a corporation, or someone who the corporation benefits or is burdened by. (Steiner). Stakeholders are represented by two main groups; primary and secondary
In general ,the stakeholder approach may be more conducive to balancing a wide variety of corporate interests and thereby discouraging impropriety.Executives and boards should take the perceptions of both shareholders and stakeholders into account when formulating strategy and enunciate their stance in all organizational communications. Only within that kind of clearly delineated context, can managers be expected to make appropriate decisions. Indeed, some of the most successful businesses are those which have embraced stakeholder values for example Bodyshop. However, we see that generally, shareholder value
Nowadays, we are facing a major experiment in privatization. For example, private companies have entered the business of managing public schools, or religious schools. Also, they even run in prison industry. Among them is Private Prison Corporation of America, which is growing fast in prison industry in the United States. Especially, immigration detention business has brought up massive profit for Private Prison of America. Therefore, corporation is planning to join other private prison corporations by making campaign donation and retaining lobbyist to draft and seek the passage of two laws about anti-illegal immigrant and the Intensive Probation Act that will increase opportunities to do
To over view the knowledge we learnt from accounting theory and practice, the main thing I can conclude that is the tendency of accounting will shift away from technical way to people’s behaviour way. By understanding what should do, we should ask why and how we could improve and change it into a better way. This essay aims to explain how the theoretical material that we learn in lectures can be developed under a real practical manner.
A stakeholder is a party that has an interest in a company. It may affect by the business or organization actions. Typically, the prime stakeholders are customers and employees. Patagonia is eco-friendly clothes are gaining the support of consumers and non-governmental organizations in the U.S. Since the company is a certified B Corp, they provide workers with certain benefits, the community and the environment. Patagonia outdoor clothing and gear retailer is well known for sustainability. They protect the environment and inspire social change. The company overall environmental and social performance is measured and independently verified a third party. Patagonia believes that full of practice transparency will be the ones in the future rewarded
If some research is undertaken that provides evidence that capital markets do not always behave in accordance with the Efficient Market Hypothesis, does this invalidate research that adopts an assumption that capital markets are efficient?
Sustainability from a strategic business perspective is the potential for the long-term well-being of the natural environment, including all biological entities, as mutually beneficial interactions among nature and individuals, organizations, and business strategies. (O.C Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2015). Business sustainably is often defined as managing the triple bottom line – a process by which companies manage their financial, social and environmental risks, obligations and opportunities. These three impacts are sometimes referred to as profits, people and planet. (Business sustainability definition from financial times lexicon, no date). This essay will discuss the idea of sustainability being an important element within a businesses and its core strategies and the importance of it within different businesses. Secondly, this study will look at how different stakeholders are affected and influenced by sustainability as this could be seen as a catalyst to improving the environment as a whole and. Then this study will look at how businesses not focusing
After bashing the old idea of managerial capitalism, Freeman starts explaining why his reconceptualized stakeholder concept is much more logical. Freeman modestly articulates a stakeholder theory using the “narrow definition” of a stakeholder, which includes those who are vital to the success and survival of a corporation. Specifically, these stakeholders include owners, management, suppliers, employees, customers, and the local community. As well as being directly connected with the corporation, Freeman argues that the stakeholders are also interconnected with each other as well, and that each stakeholder is vital to the survival of the corporation, and vice versa. Employees rely on the business to give them a paycheck; the business provides their livelihood. Employees return the favor because they run the business on a day to day basis. Suppliers are vital to the firm’s success because the quality of the raw materials purchased will determine the quality and price of the final good produced by the firm. As a result, the firm is a customer of their supplier, and is therefore vital to their supplier’s success. The next stakeholder, customers,
The stakeholder theory made popular by Ed Freeman (1984) does seem to represent a major advance over the classical view (Freeman, 1984). It might seem inappropriate to refer to the stakeholder position as neoclassical. Bowie (1991: 56-66) has defined stakeholders as a group whose existence was necessary for the survival of the firm--stockholders, employees, customers, suppliers, the local community, and managers themselves.
Stakeholder Engagement can factor this into a company in a number of ways. For example, if the company needs a new product supplied, rather than looking at the regular supplier the company can look at more environmentally friendly options. A ‘green’ company is normally well supported by the community as well as by shareholders as an environmentally friendly company is often seen as a good investment opportunity.