
Accountability Essays

Decent Essays

The Importance of Accountability As a soldier of the world’s most powerful military force, the U.S Army, it is imperative that I demonstrate competence, efficiency, and professionalism at all times. To achieve this goal accountability is an absolute necessity. As a soldier I must maintain constant accountability of my equipment and my team. Without constant visual and/or physical security of my equipment I would be making it too easy for the enemy to take my equipment and use it against me and my fellow soldiers. Without accountability of my fellow soldiers I put them as well as myself in danger. If I don’t know where my team is it is impossible to come to their aid if needed and vice versa. That being said it is a key part in being a …show more content…

Accountability affects your everyday life without you even realizing it. At this point in our lives it is no longer a job but a part of life and a sign of responsibility. Another sign of maturity is holding yourself accountable for your own actions. If you are one of those people who goes around making excuses for everything you do, people will begin to lose faith in you, and in turn you will not only lose your credibility but their trust as well. After a certain point excuses become less relevant or believable and you are seen and/or treated as if you were lying. No leader likes the “It wasn’t my fault”, “I was gonna”, or “see what had happened was” guy/gal and you shouldn’t want to be him/her. It is always better to hold yourself accountable for your own actions, you will gain a lot more respect that way. Once again accountability plays a major role in the quality of your everyday life and the lives of those around you as well. Good accountability or a lack of accountability can mean the difference in somebody getting paid the right amount or even at all. It could be the difference of receiving a tax refund or paying the state more than what you owe. It could be your children returning safely from a field trip or sending out an ABB or Amber Alert. It could even mean the life or death of a friend whether you’re deployed or just downtown having a drink. Nobody knows how a lack of

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