
Accountaability In Nursing

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Healthcare is a busy, fast paced environment. Nursing Managers have a difficult job of juggling staffing and patient acuity to assure safe and appropriate patient care without over or under staffing. Nurses providing direct patient care voice they are too busy to complete all the required tasks during their shift, such as documentation. However, there are tools available to help increase nurse productivity while providing safe, efficient patient care. When needed, nurses can ask for assistance from their peers or delegate patient care tasks to increase their productivity. Implementing either strategy requires an understanding that with either task there are specific responsibilities and accountability. Nurses must have an understanding …show more content…

Delegation occurs on a daily basis in nursing and understanding the parts of delegation I remain accountable and responsible for will be important to ensure I am functioning appropriately as a registered nurse. Accountability also occurs in daily interactions with peer registered nurses. The understanding of accountability in this role is vital given the registered nurse is part of a team and must frequently interact with fellow nurses. Understanding accountability to peers helps with building confidence between peers and strengthens the working relationship. Since I have had very little experience in delegation as well as minimal interactions with peer nurses, other than preceptors, understanding the differences and roles of accountability and responsibility are important. This paper will discuss the differences in responsibility and accountability of the registered nurse when delegating nursing tasks to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) as well as clarify accountability in peer to peer (nurse to nurse) …show more content…

143). Delegation allows for the efficient use of resources to their fullest potential and helps the nurse to provide safe, efficient patient care (Kaemested & Bragodottir, 2012, p. 10). When delegating nursing tasks to UAP, the nurse must ensure the delegation is done appropriately. This means ensuring the task being delegated is the right task for the UAP, the task is being delegated at the right time, for the right person, the nurse has given the right directions to the UAP, and provided the right supervision (Porter-O'Grady & Malloch, 2013, p. 432). Therefore, when performing delegation, the nurse maintains accountability for the patient's outcome, but has transferred the completion of the task (responsibility) to the UAP (National Council of State Boards of Nursing, 2016). The process of delegation allows the nurse to extend the care being provided to the patient. The nurse remains accountable for the outcome of the task and the patient’s response to the task, however, the nurse transferred the completion of the task, to the

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