
Absurd Creation: The Myth Of Sisyphus Camus

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I think what the execution signified most, and what the quotations relay is that those that recognize the loss of another are more inclined to treasure and protect what they are also capable of losing; in this instance it's freedom.

Meursault manager told him that he lacked ambition (41). He was caught up in the monotony of life, and before he knew it all he had taken for granted was soon taken from him. Meursault's imprisonment is physical as it is metaphoric. It's in prison that he accepts death and wishes through his execution that those that watch him will in turn learn that regardless of how one lives their life death comes for everyone. Meursault comes to the conclusion that it is only through an execution that life can truly be valued. …show more content…

A world remains of which man is the sole master. What bound him was the illusion of another world." (87).

When Meursault finally gives up hope he accepts

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