
Essay on Abstinence and Orgy in Measure for Measure

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Abstinence and Orgy in Measure for Measure

Many existing views of Measure for Measure seem intriguing but incomplete. They might reinforce our perception of this play as fragmented and baffling, because they do not integrate apparently conflicting outlooks presented in the play’s Vienna, and generated by the mysterious action of Vincentio. Notice how the following different interpretations display the conflicts: the extreme view proposed by Roy Battenhouse that the Duke stands for God (Rossiter 108-28); the modified position of Elizabeth Marie Pope that the Duke is a successful magistrate with divinely-delegated powers ("Renaissance" 66-82), almost in line with Eliade’s version of a receding sky-god replaced by a local …show more content…

The context of theology provides one key to this analysis. Thomas Morton’s translation of Calvin’s The Institution of Christian Religion, for example, asserts a tripartite division of temptation as a trial in which God tests us by offering lures; the devil then assails the weakened individuals; and evildoers consequently seek to take advantage of the afflicted (75-77). Thomas Tymme’s A Commentarie of John Caluine, vpon the first booke of Moses called Genesis also describes God’s role in temptation as that of putting us "to a serious triall" in order to test faith (473). And Thomas Taylor’s Christs Combate and Conquest notes that God may tempt us by sending "afflictions," by pronouncing a "speciall commandement," or by "occasioning objects"—lures. These divinely-ordained temptations occur for "a proofe what is in vs, and a tryall what we doe" (69). It is the divine prerogative to "assay" humanity, and the human duty to obey God.

One who assumes this prerogative to test another’s character by occasioning temptation—who experiments with others while pretending to be sacrosanct—is presumptuous. And pride—the very medieval/Augustinian "pride of life"—is the Duke’s failing in arrogating to himself the power to tempt Angelo. Vincentio has appeared to some as erring and inconsistent, and to others as a deific incarnation for the same reason: the

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