
Abstinence In Schools

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Sex education has been the single most controversial debate in the United States education systems within the past few decades, but was first introduced as early as 1905 where there was a rally for sex education within schools in attempts to eradicate venereal disease (The Beginning of Sex Education in the U.S.: A Historical Perspective). There was not much support at this time though, until the 1980’s when there was the HIV/AID’s epidemic. This was when more people became aware of what was going on and tried figuring out how to put a stop to it, and quick. Surprisingly, in the early twentieth century, people were actually taught to be fearful of sex and that such contact could result in fatality. Many young boys and girls were actually taught …show more content…

They argue there is something simply wrong with the idea that teaching kids about risky behavior is something that could be avoided all together. Some advocates for abstinence-only programs argue that there should not be sex education taught in public schools because it is the parents place to talk about sex in that much detail with their own child (Should sexual education be taught in public schools?). However, what happens to the children who do not receive the same, well-educated treatment from their parents as others? Not all children have parents who know all the right information to tell them, the right answers to their questions, or maybe they just do not care to further explain to them what it is all about. That is where the school steps in, and teaches them everything they need to know to make the right choices. They also argue that it could make females a lot more promiscuous as well as males more curious for themselves. Though, in a study of 35 sex education programs around the world, statistics from the World Health Organization found there is no evidence that these comprehensive programs encourage any sort of negative promiscuity or sexual activity (Carnal Knowledge: The sex ed debate). Some students also say that learning that type of information in the classroom is sometimes uncomfortable which makes them distracted and not focused in on the main lesson of sexual education. And even though, according to research, teaching about sex education has positive impacts on children and provides them all with the information they need to make life-affirming decisions for themselves, opposing groups continue to stand by their beliefs that it has negative impacts and makes kids so much more tempted to actually do it. However, we still witness a large sum of teenage pregnancies each year. Why is this? The whole

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