
Absolutism Dbq

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After the Renaissance, there were many factors that gave way and led to chaos, and then the choice between an absolutist government, or a constitutional one. These factors included the decline of the previous social order of Feudalism, the Protestant Reformation, new logical and scientific ideas from famed Renaissance thinkers, and riots/revolts from unhappy citizens of numerous classes. Some states like France, Russia, and Prussia, resulted in all the power gathered under the monarch’s personal control, which happened due to comparable actions by the ruler. In the 1600s and 1700s, Absolute monarchs like Louis XIV, Peter the Great, and the Soldier King of Prussia, had similar methods to strengthen bureaucracy and control the nobles, develop …show more content…

They all had similar tactics in taxation, but each had economic policies which resembled one another. Colbert, Louis XIV’s financial manager, promoted mercantilism, a policy of maintaining a favorable balance of trade in order to accumulate wealth. These mercantilist policies massively boosted France’s economy. The French people were to produce everything they needed, exports were increased, and immigration by talented peoples was encouraged. Positively, this approach allowed France to become a competitor in trade. As a result, France surged in power and wealth, giving Louis XIV the ability and money to reform other areas of the government. Likewise, Peter the Great was inspired by his travels to use mercantilist ideas. More money meant more opportunity to better the country. Furthermore, he boosted industry and production of raw materials. This whole economic sector was underneath the monarchy’s control, in order to promote the success Peter the Great saw necessary and fit. Correspondingly, in Prussia, the next Hohenzollern was Frederick the Great, who applied enlightened absolutist ideas to the economy. Frederick took a more humane approach to policy, which would strengthen the state, and he also reconstructed agriculture and industry. Altogether, the monetary and financial systems these enlightened rulers employed were to make more money. More financial capabilities would result in a stronger state, due to the ability to accomplish more goals, and a better life for the rulers’

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