
Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian Analysis

Decent Essays

In Sherman Alexie’s novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Alexie uses each individual character to explain themes throughout the novel. Gordy in particular is Jr’s friend that he meets in his educational journey at Reardan High school. Gordy is sought to be the most intellectually smart person in the school. He is also not the most popular in the school either. But when Jr enrolls in the school, he is not suddenly the “The Most Interesting Kid”, as this would be the situation at any other school. Alexie did this to show that even though being the new kid you are supposed to be interesting, but an Indian or of another race at a new school isn’t interesting because they are an outsider and seen as another” because of social and economic status. Alexie appeals to the average high school kid by giving situations that happen every day in the school house. While in class Gordy stands up for Jr by backing up Jr’s statement to prove Jr to be right, proving the teacher wrong. This is where their friendship begins. While Gordy never really saw Jr in the beginning, he sees him now. Jr confronts Gordy and asks to be his friend, but Gordy replies in a way that Jr did not expect. Gordy simply thinks that Jr is coming on to him as if he was gay. This is interesting because in modern day no guy …show more content…

Jr does not feel the sense of belonging until Gordy comes around. When Gordy and Jr have talks, Gordy gives Jr a highly thought out and researched response rather than what Jr would have gotten from Rowdy. He also puts his advice into a sense of individual to community. To how each person being unique is supposed to fit in to society by not changing themselves. Rather than how a person is supposed to be as the others are to not be judged. Although both Jr and Gordy are coming into themselves and are both smart, they do not necessarily know where they fit in to Reardan or

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