
Absolute Male Authority In The Duchess Of Malfi

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The Duchess of Malfi not only challenges the concept of absolute male authority by having a female main character who has a will of her own and disobeys this authority, but it also illuminates the problem of the mentality of the conventional male who unquestioningly accepts the doctrines of the patriarchal system. This system is created to ensure that males are imbued with nearly limitless power, especially over women. In her book Male Subjectivity at the Margins, Kaja Silverman quotes Gayle Rubin, who claims that women though women are seen as object to be exchanged, in the way that people would exchange gifts. Rubin goes on to note that “ If women are gifts, then it is men who are the exchange partners, and it is the partners, not the presents, upon whom reciprocal exchange confers its quasi-mystical power of social linkage” (36). The concept that men possess a “quasi-mystical power” simply because they are men, is part of what Silverman calls the “dominant fiction” that is the patriarchal structure. It could be said that the idea that men possess this inherent and absolute power leads to a God complex where men who are higher up in the social structure, and at times men who are not, feel that their authority is so absolute that any actions that they do not approve …show more content…

According to his article, “The God Complex: The Belief that One is God, and The Resulting Character Traits,” Ernest Jones breaks down the key characteristics of a person who embodies the God complex. Before he goes into his analysis, Jones notes that: Such a megalomaniac phantasy would be barely comprehensible did we not know how closely the ideas of God and Father are associated, so much so that, from a purely psychological point of view, the former idea may be regarded as a magnified, idealized, and projected form of the latter.

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