
Abrahams Ten Commandments

Decent Essays

Israel Abrahams statement rings true on several accounts. John begins the book immediately by establishing the authority of Christ as the Son of God straight from the Jewish tradition and religion. In fact, the entire Jewish Religion from its inception at the time of Israel’s exodus from Egypt was to point toward the true message of Salvation. From the design of the wilderness Tabernacle/Sanctuary, to the feasts and practices, the Ten Commandments, and the Levitical and Mosaic Laws, all pointed toward the coming of the Christ.
John begins within the first chapter of his book to point out how Jesus is the fulfillment of prophecies. He establishes Christ as the Creator, as the “Word who was with God, and the Word was God” and was “in the beginning …show more content…

Not only did John the Baptist declare himself to be the fulfillment of the prophecy, but he also declared and identified the one whom he was to prepare the way for, “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” John 1:29 NKJV
This declaration was a direct comparison to the Jewish practice of sacrificing a lamb as a burnt offering for the forgiveness of sins. A practice began in Egypt when God directed the Jews to “kill a lamb without blemish” and the blood be “put on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses” Exodus 12:3-7
It was through the sacrifice of the unblemished Lamb that the Israelites escaped the 10th and most devastating plague in Egypt. .
Later John records that Jesus, who was not only constantly challenged by the religious leaders and scribes regarding His authority, but constantly challenged by them to prove with some miraculous sign that He was the Messiah, refuses to answer calls the scholars and religious leaders out and bares open that the fact that they are blind and ignorant of the Mosaic Laws they tout and claim to know, which “testify of Me.” Interestingly, these were the very same tactics that the other Synoptic authors claim Satan used to tempt Jesus in the

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