
Abraham Maslow And Carl Rogers

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Humanistic Key Figures: Just list the key people associated with the theory Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers Key Concepts of Personality Formation: This should be about two paragraphs discussing the key concepts of the theory and how they relate to personality development. Do not just list! Abraham Maslow developed a holistic theory. He believed that people have a set of basic needs that are prearranged in a hierarchical order. These needs will begging with biological need and would evolved to needs of safety, love, belonging, and self-esteem. These needs exert a strong influence on people’s behavior and personality. Maslow also exposed the concept of self-actualization (need to develop one’s complete potential). He believed that the need of self-actualization exist in every person, (Davis & Palladino, 2004). Carl Rogers contributed with many concepts. Congruence – refers to the nonexistence of clashes between the perceived self and experience. It is essential for the application of growth and therapy treatments. Incongruence – refers to the presence of an inconsistency between the perceived self and experience. The self or Self-concept – The perceptions and meanings related to the self or “I”; three components: self-worth, self-image, and ideal-self. Self-worth (or self-esteem) – refers to the whet we believe of ourselves. Rogers believed that this was developed during childhood and formed by the interactions of the child and his/her parents or caregivers. Self-image –

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