
Abraham Lincoln 's War Strategies

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Abraham Lincoln to Be Remembered Abraham Lincoln shaped America because of his tactics for war, ending slavery and the two big documents to change it, and how he has made an impact on citizens today. Lincoln’s war strategies shaped the war effort by making it a no ally war, blocking trade for the south, having the best general, and taking over the big capitol of the south. The first strategy was to mess with the economy of the southern states and proposed the Anaconda plan to blockade the southern ports. Doing this made no trade to occur, causing the South to not be able to trade their cotton with Great Britain and receive money for ammunition. He also made sure he had the best general for the army to pursue the acts Lincoln wanted to be done. When a general failed Lincoln would fire them and hire a new one and they failed mostly because they were intimidated by Robert Lee and were not prepared for a fight. He went through many generals until one could do what Lincoln really wanted to achieve from the war which was a preserved union and win the battles. Abraham Lincoln also made it possible that no other country could interfere with the war occurring, which meant no allies or help from any country making it just about their nation. The last tactic was to take over Richmond, Virginia because it was the capitol for the Confederate states.
Having Abraham Lincoln approach the fighting of the war with this as something to achieve, it kept the states from permanently

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