
Abortion: Personal Opinion Analysis

Decent Essays

This week’s topic was still abortion, the difference however, was that this week we did not read two opinion articles, we read one opinion article and the other one actually introduced us to a new form of ethics, care ethics. The reading that stuck out to me the most was the second one, because while the first one does give you a new perspective and a new train of thought, the second reading however tries to take you through a research project and then tries to explain what just happened. Something that did confuse me though was how the second reading was portrayed.
To begin this week we started off with a reading by Warner, who stands with abortion, her reasoning being that if we decided not to allow it, we would essentially be taking away a woman’s autonomy. So basically she is applying the Kantian moral to back up her reasoning and her ideas. What really …show more content…

However before ending her passage she introduced us to the idea of care ethics, and how women tend to use these more while making decisions or when they have to deal with a problem. What I didn’t like about this passage was how it was presented, because when reading this it kind of seems like what she’s saying is “the reason why women are so confusing is because they don’t think like men”, when what she’s really trying to say is that women have a different thought process, they focus on more personal things like relationships and feelings when they make decisions. She made many comparisons in her passage where she compared women to men, which I understand is very hard not to do, especially with the type of studies she did, but what I’m trying to say is that when reading, at least to me, it seems like it’s giving off a different feeling than the one she was aiming

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