
Abortion Is Wrong Persuasive Speech

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I know this girl will going through a lot of stress at this point of her life. She was pregnant at age 11, Right! Wow! That is unbelievable. I believe she will be affected mentally because of the attention that will surround her as she goes to different hospitals and different places. Even though she might be going through a lot of challenges, there must be many factors that one must consider in terms of the rape case. There are some adolescent kids that may be able to think logically and concretely at their adolescent stage. Therefore, if she gave the boy consent to have sex with her, then the boy shouldn't be considered as a rapist. However, if there was no consent between the boy and the girl then I think the boy really raped the girl. …show more content…

Anyone that tries to persuade her to abort the baby is considered as a murderer to me too and should be arrested. The girl must make her own decision and that should be giving birth to the baby if she can or not. The quote, “Abortion is murder. Each abortion snuffs out an innocent human life. Tragically, doctors have deceived the American public. Referring to unborn babies as "fetus," "embryo," or "zygote," may be scientifically correct, but does not change the fact: These little ones are little human beings. Though called "parasite," "blob," or "tissue," give each wee creature about 266 days after conception and see what emerges from his mother's womb. It will be a human baby, not a zebra, a trout, frog or an orangutan”, emphasis on how as long as the a baby in the womb heart begins to beat, there life within the baby. So if the girl aborts the baby, I consider it as murder. I know that most people in this country would want the girl to abort the baby since it might affect her future. However, one has to think and consider the life of the baby in the womb. I have faith that through therapies, she will successfully give birth and be happy with the baby

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