
Abortion Is Not Right Essay

Decent Essays

“No woman can call herself free who does not control her own body.” I completely agree with this statement and believe that woman should be able to have a say in what they can and can’t do with their bodies. A big debate right now about this specific topic is abortion. My opponents believe that abortion is not right, and that it is basically murder. On the other hand, I believe that women should be able to choose whether they want to have an abortion or not. For example, personhood begins after a baby is born and can live outside of the womb, reproductive choice protects women from financial disadvantage, and access to legal abortion reduces maternal injury and death caused by illegal and unsafe abortions. I think that we should keep the laws that we have today and let women decide what they want to do with their bodies and be able to get abortions. …show more content…

According to Dr. Anne Davis, the consulting medical director for Physicians of Reproductive Health, “What we can say about the fetal nervous system is that based on the best science we have on the neurons that carry pain signals is that the system isn't developed until the third trimester of pregnancy.” This evidence shows that it is basically impossible for a baby to feel pain while getting an abortion because it does not develop it’s pain system until the third trimester of the pregnancy and since you can’t get an abortion that late, it’s not possible for the baby to feel pain. In conclusion, I believe that abortion should stay legal and women should be able to get them. I believe this because personhood begins after a baby is born and can live outside of the mother. Also, reproductive choice protects women from financial disadvantage, and access to legal abortions limits the risk of the mother being injured or killed from an illegal abortion. We should keep the law that it is okay to have an

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