
Abortion Is A Very Sensitive Topic To Majority Of The Population,

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Abortion is a very sensitive topic to majority of the population, and some people do not know enough about abortion to make a rational or intellectual decision. People mainly either have a strong opinion or no opinion at all. The pro-life community typically consists of someone from a religious affiliation, or of the republican party, while the pro-choice community is the democratic party and people that need medical assistance through medicaid. An abortion is the termination of a pregnancy most common in the first trimester (23 weeks.) The choice of whether to abort or not id never easy, but its the choice for yourself and what you know is right for the child growing within you The argument at hand is either pro-choice or pro-life. You …show more content…

Jane Roe had to fight for her rights two times in front of the supreme court before they truly realized how unconstitutional it was to withhold a woman from health care of any sorts. Roe v Wade was a huge turning point for the feminist party. They thought as if they had made a breakthrough in American history for women. The feminist activist culture/ community could finally make executive decisions regarding their bodies. There are “seven out of ten Americans that believe that abortion should be legal”. Twenty-six of the fifty states including Texas, Idaho, Tennessee, and more all have high restrictions concerning a woman 's rights to when she wants to start her reproduction period. Only five out of the fifty states such as California, Montana, Oregon, and a few more have protected rights concerning abortion. President Trump has caused some of the greatest issues when it comes to reproductive freedom for women of America. With his pro-life advocacy he elects pro choice judges into the supreme court and lower court that often lean towards no reproductive freedom. He manipulates the system by electing officials that he knows will go his way. The Roe v Wade case has brought light to a sensitive subject giving women around the world complete hope in their reproductive freedom.

In Hadley Freeman’s article concerning abortion states clearly that a concern that most women have about the fight for their right is

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