
Abortion - Critical Thinking Essay

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Abortion – Critical Thinking
New Charter University
What subject has been more controversial for the last several decades than abortion? Since the decriminalization of abortion in 19731, thousands have been performed every year in the United States. Whether you are a pro-life or right-to-life supporter, or a pro-choice advocate, there are compelling arguments. Both sides use proven statistics, as well as emotional appeal to establish their points. Pro-choice groups speak to the rights of a woman to choose what she wants to do with her body as a matter of freedom. Aside from personal choice, they believe that there are certain circumstances where abortion may be required due to medical reasons. Pro-life proponents …show more content…

Reproductive choice is a personal liberty.
Is it socially responsible to force women to birth children they cannot support financially or emotionally? The responsibility of raising a child is the biggest decision most people will make in their lifetime. Not only is there a huge financial commitment that a mother may not be able to meet, but the time, effort and emotion that are required to raise a child may not be within reach. Is it socially responsible to force women to birth children only to raise them in substandard circumstances and give that child a poor quality of life?
Additionally, abortion may be necessary to terminate pregnancy when the embryo will develop into a child with sever medical problems or birth defects. Again, we must consider the quality of life of the parent, as well as the offspring. How can someone be forced to produce an unhappy burden? Not only would a developmentally delayed child be an excessive strain on the parent, but a strain on society as a whole. They will likely grow into an unproductive adult rather than a beneficial member of the community. How can a parent be legally forced to raise a child in this case? Who benefits? If the embryo is terminated prior to consciousness, then it is as if they never existed at all and no harm has been done, however, if they are forced to subsist they will become a sad,

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