
Abortion And Abortion Summary

Decent Essays

On the other hand, Marquis's believes that abortion is immoral. He argues that all cases of abortion is wrong and rarely will there be special circumstances to justify the killing of a human being. In Marquis's opinion, killing a fetus is equal to killing an innocent adult life. His whole argument is based off a major assumption. In his debate, he focuses on the wrongfulness of killing. He creates many arguments to why killing is wrong and what makes killing wrong. With that, he applies those arguments to abortion in effort to prove that abortion is immoral. He argues take taking someone's life is frown upon because you are taking away their future. That person will never be able to experience living again and all …show more content…

Therefore, they will look into the outcomes of abortion and decide from there if abortion is good or bad.
Finally, after reading both passages I would have to say that I do not find Marquis's analysis and argument to be less persuasive. I found his ideas less clear and even a bit too repetitive. While I did like how he starts off by comparing both sides of the abortion argument, it does seem overly exaggerated. He keeps claiming the other side is wrong because of wrongful killing and picks up small flaws and turns them into major claims. I really wish he had more major opinions to add into his debate. Just because a fetus or embryo can no longer live out to grow into the human being they were meant to be does not persuade me. It would have been interesting if he could add scenarios into the argument just like how Thomson did. It would have made his essay more interesting and appealing to read as well.
Although I do not agree with his perspectives, I am sure his debate to fight abortion is one of the best and most well written. Abortion is a major controversial when it comes to morals and ethics. I have always been pro-choice. Morally I believe it is the decision of the mother of the fetus to make the decision. If she wants to abort her child then that is 100% her decision. I do not believe the law or any other parties should have the right to make that decision for her. Her right to make

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