
Abortion: A Demographic Study

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In this part of the study was reported that the socio-demographic characteristics of the participants. According to this. Two hundred and twenty nine participants agreed to volunteer for this study. The sample was 33.6% male (n = 77) and 66.4% female (n =152). Students enrolled in a course during the spring semesters of 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011. Our sample academic grade consisted of 20.1% freshman (n = 46), 22.7% sophomore (n = 52), 31.0% junior (n = 71) and 26.2 % senior (n = 60). See Appendix A. Materials and Procedure The data comes from surveys completed by N = 229 students enrolled in a data analysis course during the spring semesters of 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011. All students enrolled in the course during those semesters were invited …show more content…

Responses for each of these questions were then summed to create an overall Abortion Attitudes Index. With each response being receiving a value of 0 and 1, respectively, the Abortion Attitudes index score for each respondent could range from a minimum score of 0 to a maximum score of 6. Items were recoded so that higher scores (6) reflect more liberal response patterns while lower scores (0) reflect more conservative response patterns. That is higher scores reflect greater support for the use of abortion regardless of scenario and lower scores equate to less support for the use of abortion regardless of …show more content…

This condition was the most favored state of abortion approved by students. On the other hand, 29.7% (n=68) of the students asked that women should be allowed to have an abortion when they do not married and do not want to get married. This condition were they least willing to allow legal abortion. See Appendix C. The basic analysis used for reliability analysis is to find the Cronbach Alpha (α) value. There may be a single α value for each item, or an α value for all questions. The α value obtained for all the questions indicates the total reliability of the questionnaire and is expected to be greater than 0.7, the lower α values indicate that the questionnaire has poor reliability, and α> 0.8 indicates that the questionnaire has high reliability. In our study, we calculate 0.846 which means that our items is "good" and reliable. After all, we found the overall score by collecting all items. See Appendix

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