
Aboriginal Spirituality Essay

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The Dreaming: Aboriginal spirituality relies on the dreaming to describe the "fundamental reality" of aboriginals past, present and future. Aboriginals concept of time was and is different to the modern western society. They believe the concept of dreaming began at the beginning of creation and repeats through every generation- "the dreaming began at the dawn of time, remains bound up in the present, and will endure forever." As the dreaming is still present today in Aboriginal spirituality, it shows how the dreaming connecting adherents to their law, customs, spirituality through the paradigms of song, dance, art and rituals. For example, The 'Be' story that comes from the Dalabon country explains the connection between animals and humans …show more content…

Economic organisation is the way indigenous communities ran their daily lives, in the pre-colonisation period. This connects to the dreaming and kinship, as the law and morals that have been passed down through the generations are still relevant in today's society due aboriginal com,unities fight for equal rights, e.g. The right to vote. The newly introduced Christianity values during colonisation, led to the dispossession of their land, which severed ties to dreaming stories as well as the stolen generation, which led to severed ties to Kinship and language groups. Colonisation also bought with it new diseases and therefore a significant decrease in Aboriginal population. In Aboriginal communities both men and women were interdependent as well as independent, meaning they can live with and without each other. Men were the hunters and women were the gatherers, collecting more sustainable food items then men could hunt. According to the Ojibway people, women were the original caregivers and creators of all men and because of these received great respect and honour from fellow kin. They also hold great responsibility in communities to share The Dreaming stories with the youngest generations and pass along law to the community Because of these particular roles in society both men and women are treated as

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