
Aboriginal Health Case Study

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Compare the health of Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders against the general population.
According to 2011 Census, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) estimates that in 2016, 744,956 Torres Strait Islanders and Aboriginal live in Australia. NSW had the largest number of Torres Strait Islanders and Aboriginal. NT had the highest proportion of Torres Strait Islanders Aboriginal in the population. Indigenous people accounted for 3.1% of the total Australian population (HealthInfoNet, n.d.).
Torres Strait Islanders and Aboriginal are far more likely to die than other Australians before they are old. According to the most recent estimates, Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal men born in 2010 to 2012 are likely to live up to 69 years old and are about 10 years less than other Australian men. Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal women born in 2010 to 2012 are likely to live up to 74 years, almost 10 years less than other Australian women (HealthInfoNet, n.d.).

Describe the nature and extent …show more content…

• Sociocultural - Due to the first settlement and the consequent colonization of Australia, the ATSI Group has resulted in the loss of culture, identity, land, self-worth and self-esteem.
• Socioeconomic - Generally ATSI group has lower income, education and socioeconomic status, higher unemployment rates.
• Environment - Approximately one quarter of Aboriginal Australians live in remote and rural areas and therefore have less access to health services, facilitates and products.

Carefully study the graph below and compare the smoking rates and the alcohol consumption differences between ATSI people and the general Australian

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